March 3, 2006

Rick Santorum gets Spanked

This time by Human Events Online.

After doing the intro Jason High (described as "activist and editor of") gets into the spanking:
There is another factor, though, that needs to be considered. Santorum has found himself increasingly on the wrong side of the conservative base that has been responsible for electing him again and again. He not only supported liberal Sen. Arlen Specter over the staunchly conservative Pat Toomey in 2004, but Santorum actively worked toward Specter’s re-election. Santorum has endorsed the idea of raising the minimum wage by $2 over two years, and refused to rule out raising taxes to offset the cost of Social Security reform.

High writes that many of Pennsylvania's conservatives aren't real happy with our boy Rick. "Increasingly apathetic over what they percieve as betrayals by Santorum" is the phrase he uses.

Ouch, that's gotta sting.

High makes the case that Santorum needs to reignite the passion of conservatives because, as we all know, "conservatives have few champions" in the federal government. High asserts that Rick's courting of moderate voters will do more damage than good. Here's the final spank:
To make sure that this happens, Santorum needs to change philosophies. The current strategy seems to be to attract moderates, likely resulting from the fact that many pro-life Democrats that previously voted for Santorum will abandon him to vote for Casey. Santorum seems to feel that he must give them another reason to vote for him.

This strategy, in fact, will only exacerbate the problem. The more moderate Santorum tries to become, the more disenfranchised conservatives will feel. This will create a dream scenario for Casey and a nightmare for Santorum. Santorum simply needs to get back to basics. More talk about tax cuts, strong anti-abortion statements, and many, many more events with Toomey.
That's right - the true Conservatives in this state are worried that if Rick Santorum becomes too moderate, he could loose his senate seat.

One can only hope.

1 comment:

  1. Conservatives have few champions in the federal government? Jesus, what are these people smoking to be so utterly disconnected with reality?
