March 10, 2006

Update on Barbra Bonfiglio

I've posted a number of things about Rick Santorum's "charity" and his leadership PAC here at 2PJ. One name that kept popping up was Barbra Bonfiglio.

I hadn't found any connection between her and Tom Delay, that wasn't true. I wrote that she works for the firm of Williams & Jensen. Well, as of early this afternoon, that's also not true. Here's the story from TPCMuckraker.
Barbara Bonfiglio, who was once treasurer to political action committees and other organizations for ethically challenged lawmakers Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX), Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) and others, just quit D.C. superfirm Williams & Jensen. She also stepped down from her post as treasurer of Rep. Richard Pombo's (R-CA) RichPAC.
The site gives some more info on her:
Bonfiglio's got a colorful past: She was subpoenaed in 2004 by Texas DA Ronnie Earle as part of his investigation into Tom DeLay. She may have been involved in the effort by DeLay crony Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX) in sic'ing the IRS on the Texas watchdog group Texans for Public Justice. And she was listed as treasurer for Santorum's Operation Good Neighbor "charity," which used less than half of its money to do actual good deeds.

1 comment:

  1. Well, on the brighter side, if she ever decides she needs to cut a deal she'll know plenty people, places and things.

    Talk about being a 'connector.' Wow, indeed.
