April 28, 2006

Bus trip for Darfur Rally in DC - Last Chance to Register

From www.pittsburghdarfur.org :

Bus Trip: Rally to Stop Genocide in Darfur - Sunday, April 30, 2006

**Register by Friday, April 28, at 2 pm**

Reserve your seat today. Buses are filling fast!


Over 250 Pittsburghers are sending an unmistakable message!

The Rally to Stop Genocide in Darfur on April 30 will bring together political and religious leaders, human rights activists, entertainers, journalists and all who support a multinational force to protect the people of Darfur, targeted in a three year long campaign of violence and extermination.

The Pittsburgh Darfur Emergency Coalition (PDEC) will be joining concerned citizens from across the country in a March on Washington to tell our leaders that there can be no further delay in bringing protection and peace to the people of Western Sudan. Pittsburgh is proud of our diverse coalition, which has collected a per capita record number of postcards as part of "A Million Voices for Darfur". Our postcards will be delivered to President Bush prior to the Rally.

Reserve your seat today at www.pittsburghdarfur.org/rally.html

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for drawing attention to Darfur.
    Since I can't attend the rallies across the U.S., I am organizing an online rally for Darfur
    together with many other German Bloggers.
