April 21, 2006

Post-Gazette Endorses Dan Cindric

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

Cindric in the 27th / He's the best reform challenger to a House veteran

In seeking to reduce the property tax burden on seniors, Dan Cindric has an advantage over the other two challengers to the incumbent: He has practical knowledge gained as a member of Crafton Borough Council, to which he was first elected in 1999. Crafton gives seniors with annual incomes less than $30,000 a 25 percent discount on local taxes. Mr. Cindric, a 56-year-old engineer, recognizes that property taxes can't be eliminated entirely, but is for reducing them by raising the sales tax and income tax.

As well as being properly aggravated by the pay raise, Mr. Cindric also has valuable expertise on water and sewage issues vital to this region's future (he is chair of the Southern Communities Basin Group, representing 36 communities in Allegheny County concerned about these issues).

Dan Cindric earns the Post-Gazette's endorsement. Not only is he reform-minded, but he also has the credentials to match his good intentions.
Dan is an endorsed candidate and member of Democracy for Pittsburgh and I wholeheartedly echo the P-G's take on him.

Anyone wishing to volunteer can email Dan at dan@cindric2006.com and contributions can be sent to:
Friends of Dan Cindric
45 Creighton Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15205


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