Democracy Has Prevailed.

April 8, 2006

Posted with no comment.

Some news about DickieCougarMellonScaife, the publisher of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 7.2% owner of NewsMax, 283rd richest person in America, and funder of the Arkansas Project.

From the Post-Gazette:
The estranged wife of the publisher of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review attacked three of his employees yesterday afternoon in an attempt to take his dog by force, police said.

Police said Ritchie Scaife, 58, assaulted a maid, a secretary and security guard outside of the home of Richard Mellon Scaife on Westminster Place, Shadyside, at about 1:20 p.m. yesterday. Mr. Scaife was not at home at the time of the incident.

Mrs. Scaife told police that she saw Sue Patterson, the maid, walking a yellow labrador named Beau and "lost control." Mrs. Scaife said she became upset because she said the dog had been taken from her residence the day before.
And from the Tribune-Review:
Pittsburgh police responded to a fight Friday afternoon in Shadyside involving the estranged wife of Tribune-Review owner Dick Scaife.

Police spokeswoman Tammy Ewin said Ritchie Scaife told officers she was driving past her husband's Westminster Place home when she saw Sue Patterson, 51, a housekeeper who works for her husband, walking Scaife's dog. Ritchie Scaife claimed the dog was taken from her Shadyside residence.

She got out of her car and confronted the maid, punched her, and tried to take the dog, Ewin said.

Genevieve Still, another housekeeper, saw what was happening and ran from the house. When she tried to pull the women apart, Ritchie Scaife kicked her, Ewin said.
We here at 2PJ have no comment.


Anonymous said...

Over at, I have no comment on:

Rendell Abuses Reporters

Two days ago, Mr. Rendell snatched a reporter's tape recorder right out of the reporter's hand -- and then refused to give it back. Apparently, he was a little sensitive about some of the questions being asked by Brett Lieberman of the Harrisburg Patriot-News about Mr. Rendell's role in getting Joe Hoeffel out of the race for lietenant governor.

The incident, according to the March 10, 2006, edition of the Philadelphia Daily News, is the latest in Mr. Rendell's long history of abusing reporters.

In fact, it would appear that Mr. Lieberman is at least the 6th reporter to suffer at the hands (literally) of Mr. Rendell. His physical abuse of reporters has included "neck grabs," "arm crunchings" and "pushings" -- and more.

Columnist Gar Joseph wrote this:

"The [Brett] Lieberman tape-grab now goes into the books with the neck grabs (Inquirer reporters Howard Goodman and Amy Rosenberg), jacket tears (Inky photographer Sharon Wohlmuth), pushings (Inky reporter Suzanne Sataline), and arm crunchings (Daily News reporter Dan Geringer)."

Mr. Joseph's full column can be found here (look for the item headlined, "Rendell 6, reporters 0"):

And none of this includes the verbal abuse Mr. Rendell has, sometimes rather famously, subjected countless other reporters to. Perhaps the Department of Public Welfare should consider starting a "reporter violence prevention" program and signing up Mr. Rendell as the first client.

porchwise said...

Nothing like a good bitch fight over a bitch.

Anonymous said...

He stole her dog? I hope she tells all in the divorce proceedings. This could become quite interesting. Oh, and Braden no one reads your blog. We might look to see if someone comments on your bile and then read the fight you have with them. But, the actual text that you post? Not worth reading, even on a rainy slow news day!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, still the loving, liberal who celebrates diversity, eh? Keep hiding behind that anonymous name.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous, for someone who thinks me blog isn't worth reading, you sure visit it often enough judging by my logs anyway. I guess my logs are lying and you are right because you're a liberal, and when you're a liberal, it's *just* different.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Braden....every visit to your site is from me. Just me and no one else. It's also my fault you are lonely and dateless. Oh, the power I wield with my mere mortal keystroking!
You might possibly be a bigger asshole than Scaife.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps if you read what I said, I said that you visit it, you're not the only one who visits. However, your overly inflated ego certainly does you no justice anyway. And I love the assumptions on your part when you say I am lonely and dateless, which basically translates to that you're a pissed off liberal who doesn't like what I have to say, so you're resort to the standard "he's a lonely, dateless person" argument which does nothing more than show the rest of the world your true colors, which is why you hide behind the anonymous name in the first place because you're ashamed of yourself because of the profanity you love to use. If they handed out PhDs on how to be a jerk off, you'd definitely receive one. Idiot.