April 26, 2006

Santorum ADMITS IT

Via Santorumexposed, Lil Ricky's been caught on tape admitting something our friends in Penn Hills have been waiting to hear for a long time.

As Warner Wolf used to say, "let's go to the videotape."

On it, Rick Santorum says:
"So, I didn't go to a Catholic high school when I was living in Pennsylvania."
There you have it, my friends. Senator Man-on-dog admitting he no longer lives in Pennsylvania.

So tell me again, why does he get that Homestead Exemption?


  1. Who cares? As far as I am concerned, I want results, and he along with the rest of the spinless Republicans need to produce a hell of a lot more before this come election day. Not living in PA is the least of his problems. Where are the results on the illegal immigration issues? How come nothing is said about the high price of gasoline, which by the way most of it is government taxes? As shocked as you may all be by hearing this from me, I am absolutely ticked off at the Republicans right now. More and more the Libertarian party is looking better and better. Nevertheless, it's time to clean house if no results are produced SOON.

  2. Braden, if you lose your republican friends who will you play with? Yourself?

    Santorum needs to go because he is a lying cheating maniacal user of tax dollars. And yes, he still has the homestead exemption for the cottage on Stevens Lane that his wife's niece and nephew in-law rent from them.
    Also, the Santorum's has to be sued by Penn Hills School district for back taxes a few years ago. I guess it takes awhile for the tax bill to go from PA to VA in the mail.

    Just remember....Republicans lie!

  3. Hey Anonymous --

    No one reads my blog, eh?

    Heheh, straight from Al Franken's Air America Radio site via his comment system:


    Be scared. Be very, very scared.

    Now, go to Church after you bash me all week.


  4. Yep,

    Santorum and Al Franken and what the heck the Dahli Lama read your stupid little blog. Why didn't they post a comment?
    You last friend was that Catholic Army Wife......you won't get much action from her!

    You and Santorum both need to be banned from Pennsylvania. And the people laughing at you on the CMU campus?? They loved my bit on your deflated blow-up doll wife.

  5. Anonymous --

    I've noticed that everytime you desperately try to be nasty to me, there's always a sexual innuendo in there which obviously indicates that you're greatly sexually frustrated.

    Isn't Church doing it for ya?
    You know, the lack of class on your behalf doesn't really speak too well for Church going liberals such as yourself.

    Here, allow me to assist you in your quest to make yourself feel better about yourself:


  6. It must be because I secretly want you! Oh holy shit that would be funny!

    You suck yourself!

  7. Oh the insults, Church lady.

  8. Braden,

    I cut and pasted that URL (and, when is someone who is supposed to be so technically adept going to freakin' learn how to hotlink??), and yes, someone reads your blog.

    There's 90 comments on the post you mentioned. One of which mentions your blog. Since you seem unable to link directly to that comment, poor, stupid little me will do it. It's here, past, present and future pumpkins.

    I'll reproduce it for you all:

    Some More Major Sources

    "The Heat is On" blog via "Democrats-lie.com"
    "Take a Stand Against Liberal" Blog

    And ...Sistah Toldjah! Told ya so!

    :-) Zip ... you're a pip!

    They pelted us with rocks and garbage

    by vesti at April 26, 2006 - 2:19pm

    Now let's look into these "major sources."

    Sistah Toldjah! Told ya so!: 263,596 HITS

    "Take a Stand Against Liberals" Blog: 17,236 HITS

    "The Heat is On" blog, via "Democrats-lie.com": NO VISIBLE HIT METER - UNKNOWN HITS

    (As a reference point, 2 political junkies has 133,622 HITS)

    Since Braden has no hit meter, perhaps Technorati can tell us how influential his blog is:

    A TECHNORATI SEARCH on ussenterprise.blogdns.net turns up 29 sites linked to it and 1 site linked to http://www.democrats-lie.com. Both of those URL's direct you to Braden's "The Heat is On" blog.

    A TECHNORATI SEARCH on http://2politicaljunkies.blogspot.com turns up 387 links from 119 sites linked to our site.

    'Nuff said

  9. Oh Maria, you just can't win. Are you going to play the "mine is bigger than yours" game?

    First off, Maria: If you had any clue, you'd search based on a domain name instead of a dyndns static hostname. Of course, poor little you doesn't know so I'll let you slide, secondly, I don't advertise like you do. Third, I went online on November 7, 2005. All that being said, it takes longer to grow (since I don't allow ads), which by the way, is happening quite nicely on it's own, if a bit slow. Also, I don't have a hit meter, I use a third party locally installed application which runs on my webserver which gives me all of the demographical information I need. Oh wait, you use free blogger because you're too cheap and ignorant to run your own webserver.

    If you think you're going to discourage me based on your misinformation, you're sadly mistaken. I am laughing at your ignorance, if anything.

    Next time Maria, don't flame at me until you learn how this stuff works.

  10. So give some objective verifiable proof of your popularity if you don't like the examples that I gave.

  11. Uh, Maria....do you NOT know how to read, what did I just say?

    Allow me to elaborate: Since I don't have a hit meter installed (uhmm, most professionally run sites do NOT contain a hit meter, look for yourself - they use other 3rd party means for demographical data), how can technorati successfully show my demographical data. again, no hit meter, no data via technorati. Duh, Maria.

    Secondly, since you seem to think that everything I say is bullshit, why do you care what my demographical data consists of, unless of course you're worried.

    If anything, I don't have to provide you anything, however in the interest of making you squirm, here you go:

    Duration (hh:mm:ss) 4170:19:18 (174 Days)
    Most popular day: Wednesday
    Most popular month: Mar 2006
    Most popular date: Jan 18 2006
    Average pages viewed per day: 415.00

    Average 20,294 303.4MB 4,910 579 3,891 02:04

    Totals 385,604 hits 5.63GB 93,299 11,004 73,939 3227:24:22 h/m/s

    Being my site launched on November 5, 2005, this isn't too shabby considering it is just under 6 months and I don't post advertisements on my site like you do, not to mention I don't rely on freebie blogging services like you do.

    I can imagine you feel like a real imbecile now, being that you flamed at me with your ignorant knowledge of how this technology works. Oh well, stick to letting everyone know how much you favor Marxism.

  12. Braden posted a bunch of evil hatefilled lies about liberals on his blog today.........on CMU time.

    Any parents paying CMU tuition a little angry at how their money is being spent via Braden's hate?

    Isn't there a CMU policy against that kind of abuse?

  13. Uh, Braden....do you NOT know how to read, what did I just say?

    I asked for "objective verifiable proof."

    You gave me the following:

    "Totals 385,604 hits"

    For all I know you just typed up some numbers. It could be:

    "Totals 4 hits"


    "Totals 4,000,000 hits"

    See, I can type too!

    I can imagine you feel like a real imbecile now, being that you flamed at me with your ignorant knowledge of how this technology of typing works.

  14. Besides, Braden, you have more than one blog. For example this one seems to go back to 2004:


    So which blog numbers were you posting for?

    Or was it a combined total for all blogs hosted on your server?

  15. Cops ...

    Like I've said in the past and like I'll say now: I only post when I am NOT on CMU's time. Feel better?

    Maria ... the demographics were for /rants, babe. Sorry to disappoint you. ;)

    Cops, you feel so threatened by what I have to say that you need to use my place of employment in order to discourage me from blogging, even when I am not on work-time? You're pathetic, not to mention a model liberal.

  16. Of course, again, we only have your word on this.

    But hey, everyone, I say Braden probably does have that many hits because don't you think he's the kind of guy that would click on his own site a couple hundred times a day hoping that someone -- anyone -- has left him a comment there?

  17. Maria, you wouldn't believe a thing I said anyway, so why in the heck did you ask me for the information in the first place?

    I see you're accusing me now of clicking on my own site x number of times. One, only a fool would do something like that, and two, I don't have the time to do that. However, I now am convinced that you are doing that yourself, since you're accusing me of it, and when one wants to see what liberal Democrats are up to, just watch them accuse conservatives of the same thing - odds are, they're doing it themselves.

    I can see I am wasting my time on here with you, and the rest of the crowd on this site. Consider this to be my last posting.

    So much for the diverse, open-minded, tolerant liberal attitude on here...it only exists when one agrees with liberals and their political beliefs. That has been proven each and every single time I've commented on here, and you CANNOT deny it. If you do, then you're even dumber than I originally thought.

  18. Yeah!!! Braden's last post! Let's throw a party.

  19. *ahem*, As to the point at hand, dislike aside (no mean feat), Santorum seems to have made a series of blunders that have made his life, politcally speaking, harder, much, much, much, harder than necessary. I mean between, oh, essentially living in VA, a sin for which he derided Walgren, claiming an essentially bogus address in PA, flip-flopping on ID, being less than honest about his association with the "K Street Project", and now angering at least one military veteran of some influence, he's just dropped too many passes for most to consider him a politician of great skill. I'm thinking that if he wins, it will be in spite of himself.

  20. Braden has lied about so many things. Are we supposed to believe that he is somehow telling the truth about only posting on his hate site on 'his' time rather than CMU's time?
    How does one individual maintain 2 blogs, take photos to upload, post hateful responses on numerous liberal blogs, make what must be a long commute to Pittsburgh, and work a regular 8 hour day giving an honest productive effort to earn his paycheck?
    CMU parents unite and get rid of this payroll cheat in GOP clothing!

  21. It hard to play to the Far Right for the majority of your term and then jerk yourself towards the middle at election time...but he's pulled it off before.

  22. join me on www.woodmandublog.blogspot.com
    so that i can tell u a lot.
