May 12, 2006

Something for the Democratic Party to chew on

The Other Political Junkie has been far more vocal in her opposition to State Treasurer Bob Casey's candidacy. She feels that Schumer and the rest of the Powers That Be in the party did a huge disservice by pushing Casey so early.

Here's some more data to support that position.
Nearly half of Robert P. Casey Jr.'s support comes from anti-Rick Santorum voters rather than support for the Democratic Senate candidate, according to a new poll that shows Casey with a 13-point advantage.

Those Pennsylvanians who said they plan to vote for Casey are nearly evenly split by those who said their vote is for the state treasurer (48 percent) and those who said they are voting against Santorum, R-Pa. (47 percent).


  1. I hope after the primary you will give up this crusade for fringe candidates and support the choices of the democratic voters in the fall.

  2. I'll vote for Pennacchio in the primary for sure, how awesome would it be if he won??

    But I was pretty impressed the other day when I got some campaign mail supporting Bob Casey. A heartfelt letter from Matthew Shepard's mom supporting Casey.

  3. There are lots of reasons to not like this Casey run. I have been writing about everything I could find this week. Casey v Santorum posts at LeftIndependent blog

    And no, I will not support Casey after the primary.

    Do I trust Bob Casey as a custodian of human rights and civil liberties?

    The short answer is no.

    In fact I fear the man.

    He parses his position on Roe in a way that leads me to believe that if he should find himself among a momentary majority of convenience in the senate he would use it to impose restrictions on the human rights and civil liberties of women based on his religious beliefs. Human rights and civil liberties are, I believe, constitutional values and not subject to the capricious whim of simple majority rule.

    When that majority is compounded by the success of a long sought packing of the United States Supreme Court by the religious right, the human rights and civil liberties of American women will have less political viability, with Bob Casey in the United States senate, than does an appendage of their own bodies.

  4. Casey is just another example of how the party machinery not only doesn't understand but ignores what ordinary people want. We want candidates who believe in Democratic ideals & principles not just a choice between evil & less-evil.

    Why not put forward & support candidates who offer a real choice to voters? Many people don't bother with voting because they don't see any difference between the Republican & Democratic candidates.

    Imagine tapping into that group of potential voters & giving them a reason to vote by giving them a real choice.
