May 9, 2006

The War On Fucking

No sex for you unless you are in a heterosexual marriage and want to make lots and lots of babies.

That is pretty much the message being put out there by the Religious Right and making its way into the laws of the land by the Bush Administration and various state governments.

The Sunday New York Times Magazine has the story here.

"Eventually, all roads lead to abortion"

That's pretty much the message of the Religious Right and it boils down to a war on all contraceptives and all premarital sex.
As with other efforts — against gay marriage, stem cell research, cloning, assisted suicide — the anti-birth-control campaign isn't centralized; it seems rather to be part of the evolution of the conservative movement. The subject is talked about in evangelical churches and is on the agenda at the major Bible-based conservative organizations like Focus on the Family and the Christian Coalition. It also has its point people in Congress — including Representative Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey, Representative Joe Pitts and Representative Melissa Hart of Pennsylvania and Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma — all Republicans who have led opposition to various forms of contraception.[Perhaps our very own Missy Hart doesn't need to worry about contraception, but some of us women do.]


It may be news to many people that contraception as a matter of right and public health is no longer a given, but politicians and those in the public health profession know it well. "The linking of abortion and contraception is indicative of a larger agenda, which is putting sex back into the box, as something that happens only within marriage," says William Smith, vice president for public policy for the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. Siecus has been around since 1964, and as a group that supports abortion rights, it is natural enemies with many organizations on the right, but its mission has changed in recent years, from doing things like promoting condoms as a way to combat AIDS to, now, fighting to maintain the very idea of birth control as a social good. "Whether it's emergency contraception, sex education or abortion, anything that might be seen as facilitating sex outside a marital context is what they'd like to see obliterated," Smith says.


While Americans as a whole don't hold such a dark view of comprehensive sex education, many do feel there's something wrong with a strictly clinical approach. This ambivalence, according to Sarah Brown of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, gets to the root of the problem and may explain the numbers. "One of the things I'm most often asked is why the abortion and unintended pregnancy rates are so much lower in Europe," she says. "People talk about the easy access to contraception there, but I think it's really a matter of the underlying social norms. In Europe, these things are in the open, and the only issue is to be careful. Here in the U.S., people are still arguing about whether it's O.K. to have sex."

NOTE ABOUT THE TITLE: Hat tip to Tristero at Hullabaloo (by way of Pandagon):
Oh, about the title of this post. I originally was going to call it "The war on sex," but changed my mind because that simply isn't accurate. It is fucking the rightwing opposes. The ecstatic, transgressive, transcendent, life-affirming, overwhelmingly selfish and also ego-obliterating ecstasy that is sex.

It is this the rightwing wants to deny us. And they can go to hell. Because what else could hell be but a place that bans fucking?

I'd add that it's also about controlling women pure and simple.


  1. it's about controlling women and men as well. if a group can convince you to let them dictate a basic human drive, a normal drive, then they control you. that goes for other needs as well, and they do that too.
    i'm not advocating a big free for all orgy(that's none of my business, shouldn't be anyone's business)
    but i'm just saying, i believe it is all about control, just that they need to have control over women more, it seems to me.

  2. denial is a pleasure all its own.

    couple that with a mellinial (sic?) worldview, and viola! no nookie for you!
