June 4, 2006

BREAKING NEWS: Santorum Campaign Caught Peeking in Someone's House!

I was contacted by a National Stonewall board member about an incident that occurred this past friday at the private VIP Reception for this weekend's Stonewall Democrats Convention.

My source informed me that he was approached during the reception by a local Democratic candidate's staff member. This local staffer told my source that someone from the Santorum campaign was "wandering around" the private reception. Please note that this was a private function in a private residence.

This alleged Santorum Staffer (my source calls him "the infiltrator") brought with him a video camera to the reception and once the speeches started, allegedly began taping them. This is how my source put it:
As the speeches started, the staffer started to tape, but was asked to stop by a member of Stonewall's national staff. The infiltrator then moved toward the door, and was followed by an NSD board member. When he reached the door, he began to run away from the house and down the street.
Wow. If all this turns out to be true, what do we have here? We'd have a United States Senator who's gone way round the bend at the mere thought (unsubstantiated as it turns out) of someone peeking into the windows of a house he doesn't occupy, yet doesn't seem to have a problem with his staff sneaking into a private house in order to videotape a private party.

Is that even legal?


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  1. i guess it is a sign of how far we've slid down that slippery slope since our president seized all power for himself after 9/11.

    "ethics? i don't need no stink'n ethics!" that would be the government motto for a lot of them now!

  2. Wow, they must be REALLY worried about one of the candidates if they went to that extreme.
