June 6, 2006

More Santorum Campaign/Peeping Details

I've dug up some more intruiging details on the alleged intrusion by the Santorum Campaign into a private residence.

As I wrote this weekend, someone snuck into the National Stonewall Democrats VIP reception (a private party held in a private residence) and tried to digitally record the proceedings. When asked to stop, this person walked to the door and once outside ran away down the street.

I have more details. Last night I spoke to another source (another boardmember of the NSD) who was at the party and who also saw the guy. He said the man (who he described as about five feet, eleven inches tall with black hair wearing an anti-Santorum button) was first seen standing alone in a corner with a small palm-sized digital camera in his hand.

In the course of the party, a few suspicious guests chatted with the guy (who said his name was "Caleb"). When they asked what brought him to the party, this "Caleb" pointed to his button and said, "Well, this guy."

And last night on John McIntire's radio program (and check out the yapper's blog - it's the funniest in town), McIntire told Scott Safier (of the Steel City Stonewall Democrats) that he talked to a spokesperson at the Jason Altmire campaign who said the man who identified himself as "Caleb" looked an awful lot like the guy who accompanied "Bobby the Duck" to Casey events earlier this year. McIntire also talked to a Santorum spokesperson who said the campaign has nothing to do with this.

Now I'm looking for a picture of "Bobby the Duck." If anyone has one, please e-mail it in.

As I wrote before, if this turns out to be true, then what does it say about the Santorum Campaign? He absolutely explodes when he thinks (even though he was wrong) that someone might be peeking into a house he admits to not spending much time in, but has no problem with "Caleb" digitally recording a private party in a private residence?

If it's true, Lil Ricky would have to be considered completely unbalanced.

Or perhaps he's living the line from Animal Farm: All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others.

Technorati tags: Rick Santorum, Stonewall Democrats

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