June 21, 2006

More Trouble for Ricky Santorum

From the AP:
Bob Casey's lead over U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum has stretched to 18 percentage points since early May, as Casey picked up new support and the Republican incumbent's approval rating skidded to a four-year low, according to a poll released Wednesday.

Casey, Pennsylvania's Democratic state treasurer, leads Santorum 52 percent to 34 percent - the biggest margin since October, when the numbers were the same, according to the Quinnipiac University poll. [emphasis added]
Wait, there's more bad news:
Only 38 percent of the respondents said they approved of the way Santorum, the third-ranking Republican in the Senate, is handling his job. Forty-five percent said they disapproved and 16 percent did not express an opinion.

It was the first time the senator's approval rating had dropped below 40 percent since Quinnipiac began measuring it in June 2002. It also was the latest sign of distress for the outspoken conservative, an ally of President Bush on issues that included a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and private savings accounts for Social Security. [emphasis added]
The latest survey had Casey running strongest in his native northeast region, as well as in and around the Democratic strongholds of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Santorum garnered less than 40 percent support in all areas except central Pennsylvania, where 42 percent of voters backed him.
He's only getting 42% in central PA? Oh Ricky, that's gotta hurt!

They're very careful to say it's still early, polls don't mean that much this early on, blah-blah-blah.

But I guess Lil Ricky's tantrum over the non-existent trespassing didn't help out his poll numbers, huh?

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