July 3, 2006

Bush planned to spy on your phone records BEFORE September 11

This is who they are

From Bloomberg via AmericaBlog:

June 30 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. National Security Agency asked AT&T Inc. to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, lawyers claimed June 23 in court papers filed in New York federal court.

The allegation is part of a court filing adding AT&T, the nation's largest telephone company, as a defendant in a breach of privacy case filed earlier this month on behalf of Verizon Communications Inc. and BellSouth Corp. customers. The suit alleges that the three carriers, the NSA and President George W. Bush violated the Telecommunications Act of 1934 and the U.S. Constitution, and seeks money damages.

"The Bush Administration asserted this became necessary after 9/11,'' plaintiff's lawyer Carl Mayer said in a telephone interview. "This undermines that assertion.''

This is who they are, folks.

They are fascists, Big Brother, the antithesis of everything we celebrate tomorrow.

If the attack on 9/11 didn't exist, they would have had to invent it. Hell, they telegraphed this back in the Project for a New American Century.

9/11 was the answer to their dreams -- the carte blanche to do everything they wanted PLANNED to do anyway.




Bring in all their thugs.

Fuck over everyone that isn't them.

Civil liberties? We don't need to give you no stinkin' civil liberties!

This is their America and we just live in it.

Happy Fucking "Independence" Day


  1. Yeah Maria, happy f*cking Independence Day.

    Like, what is wrong with you? Interesting that you ignore Project Echelon. Interesting that you rant on and on about a man who can no longer run for re-election. Sour grapes? Whine whine whine whine whine is what you and your useless counterpart ever do. Nothing analytical, only whining. Only complaining. Dang, you are worse than a three year old child who doesn't get the candy.

    The way you talk, one would think we live in a Communist society, which is something you believe in, do you not? Freedoms and liberties only apply if you dictate what they are, right Maria? With you, it is your way or the highway.

    And really, how much ranting you going to do about a President who cannot run for re-election? God damn if you don't sound pissed over the fact that you lost the past two elections. LOL!

  2. Maybe she still "rants" about the president because he still has more than two years to wreak havoc.

  3. Jonathan, please. Say something that makes sense. There is a fine line between ranting about the issues and complaing about useless crap which is nothing more than desperate nitpicking at any little thing no matter how petty it is.

    It's all sour grapes over the past two election results. You all can stick your heads in the "denial" sand all you want.

  4. ANon, its people like you that make facism possible. WHen a president routinly uses the Constitution for toilet peper, we have EVERY right to be upset, and the fact that you are upset about our pointing it out, just proves that you are part of the problem. Go live in a totalitarian state, since by your comments, it seems that's where you will be most comfortable.
