July 14, 2006

Fox News hates America

Don't they know that undermining our President in time of war is only helping The Enemy?

Don't they know that The Enemy hates us and will use any sign of weakness against us?

Don't they know that when they spew out bad news they're damaging to our resolve in the righteous crusade against Islamofascism?

Don't they know that every time they report bad news (like these poll numbers) it undermines the country's need to believe that we're thoroughly behind our President in his war on terror? And if we lose our resolve, hasn't The Enemy already won an important battle?

Why does Fox News hate America?

From Fox:
The president’s approval rating dropped to 36 percent, down from 41 percent approval two weeks ago and 40 percent in mid-June. Bush lost ground this week among some key constituent groups, such as Republicans, whites and men. Overall, 53 percent of Americans say they disapprove.

"It is important to remember that the president got his bounce after the killing of al-Zarqawi in Iraq," comments Opinion Dynamics Chairman John Gorman. "While administration officials were careful not to overplay the significance of this, it naturally created hope that things would get better. Several weeks of bloody footage from Iraq have pretty much dashed those hopes." [emphasis added]
And the Zarqawi bounce? Before Al-Zarqawi was killed, the president's poll numbers were 35/56 Approval/Disapproval. Since al-Zarqawi was killed in the first week of June, Fox reported back twice on the President's poll numbers:
  • 6/13: 40/52 Approval/Disapproval
  • 6/27: 41/50 Approval/Disapproval
So it looks like the 5-point bounce is over - thanks, thus spake Fox' pollster, of "several weeks of bloody footage."

Damn the media! If only they'd show more pictures of puppies and bunnies, we'd begin to feel good again about the worst president ever! If only they'd spend more time uncritically reporting on every story about how the WMD have actually been found (or moved into the Bekaa valley before the war), we wouldn't be thinking that the current resident of the White House lied to get us into an immoral war.

In any case, what Fox doesn't tell you is that along with the 5 point drop, 36% is only 3 points higher than Fox's lowest number for our president, the war criminal.

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  1. david if you took the amount of time you focused on bush's poll numbers on dieting, you'd be the next charles atlas.

  2. we will know the tide is turning and the democrats and the liberals are "changing the hearts and minds"
    when we see the media lapdogs like fox and coulter and her ilk start to sound human and more like rational people. to me, it looks like fox may be thinking about how to go more liberal without looking like (gasp) a flipflopper that hates america! not that they suddenly grew a collective heart but because that's where the country (and the money) is headed.

    me, i always thought right wing yakkers hated america and would sell her for the right amount.
