July 10, 2006

How stupid does Rick Santorum think we are?

From Today's New York Times:
The most recent round of independent polls shows that Mr. Santorum is arguably the most endangered senator in the country. Polls show that Robert P. Casey Jr., the state treasurer, holds a comfortable lead over Mr. Santorum — in a Quinnipiac University poll, Mr. Casey is in the lead by 18 points.

Mr. Santorum has insisted that voters do not really know much about Mr. Casey, that some Pennsylvanians actually believe the Democratic candidate is his father, former Gov. Robert P. Casey, who died six years ago.

"This is a guy recruited by the Democrats because he has a good name," Mr. Santorum said, after shaking hands at a Fourth of July fireworks display in Radnor. [emphasis added]
Huh? Is it really Lil Ricky's position that some Pennsylvanians, when answering a pollster's questions, are confusing Bob Casey with his dead father?

I realize Bob Casey's not the most exciting public speaker, but that's ridiculous.

Why can't conservatives ever take responsibility for their actions? By foisting the blame on the stupidity of Pennsylvania voters, Lil Ricky is trying to say that his huge negatives have nothing to do with:
  • His support for Bush's immoral war in Iraq
  • His support for Bush's overall agenda
  • Terri Schiavo
  • His loony meltdown over his "residency" in Penn Hills
and so on...

No, for Rick, he's doing badly in the polls because some Pennsylvanians are unable to differentiate between a guy they see most everyday on the news and a guy who passed away 6 years ago.

Rick Santorum - what a great judge of intelligence.

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  1. I'd say he thinks we are stupid enough to reelect him. Stupid enough to think he lives in an empty house in Pennsylvania. Stupid enough to believe creationism is science, oh no it isn't. Stupid enough to think there really are WMD. Stupid enough to equate homosexuality with bestiality. Stupid enough to ...

  2. Well, we haven'tseen what Santorumis going to do with that massive campaign war chest. Santorum does have a weirdly thin line to walk, butI wouldn't count on the "empty house" resonating much in the rest of the state. The conservative voters who voted for Santorum are likely just waiting for an excuse to vote for him. Since the state went for Kerry in '04, the conservative vote in Pennsylvania may no longer be enough, but I suspect we will see this race tighten considerably by the fall.

  3. "Santorum, that's Latin for asshole."---Sen. Bob Kerry

  4. The Republicans all think that everyone is stupid; they have singlehandedly dumbed down Americad

  5. Make that "America" - I pressed the "d" by mistake; I'm a Democrat; we edit ourselves-
