July 15, 2006

I had no idea babies read this blog...

...But apparently they do:


  1. Too bad all Rapture Republicans don't have super genius babies like this one!
    What kind of idiot would let Bush hold their baby? Oops, already know the answer- members of the baby eating numbers.

  2. Maria, I had no idea you were so young. Did you poop in your diaper when he lifted you too?

    Really....you are SO childish.

  3. Jesus is a liberal: so tell me, did u channel jesus directly through one of your many pot smoking sessions and he told you that he was a hardcore liberal like yourself?

    go back to reading the dailykos and their support of all the violence against Israel's right to sovereignty.

  4. How nice that Braden hates me!
    I must be doing something right for such a giant jerk to dislike me enough to respond with his overly used accusation of pot smoking in lieu of actual thought.

    Just to let you know, I'm fat, too. Do you hate me even more? Cool.

  5. If only the news could respond to Bush with this much honesty

  6. you are a c0w? figurez.

  7. D'ya know what really sux? We'd have to pay more to get CNN or MSNBC, but FixNews is included in basic DISH.
