July 4, 2006

Osama: Dead or Alive! (not so much)
C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden

Bush Admin says "Happy 4th, motherfuckers!"

From today's NYT:
WASHINGTON, July 3 — The Central Intelligence Agency has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials confirmed Monday.

The unit, known as Alec Station, was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned within the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center, the officials said.

The decision is a milestone for the agency, which formed the unit before Osama bin Laden became a household name and bolstered its ranks after the Sept. 11 attacks, when President Bush pledged to bring Mr. bin Laden to justice "dead or alive."


Michael Scheuer, a former senior C.I.A. official who was the first head of the unit, said the move reflected a view within the agency that Mr. bin Laden was no longer the threat he once was.

Damn straight!

Forget the 3,000 dead on 9/11 that Bush relentlessly pimped to start an unjustified war that has killed another 2,500 Americans so far.

Time we dealt with the real threat to this country:

Somewhere at the border there's a flag-burning, liberal, Mexican homo trying to cross over to gay-marry an abortion doc!


  1. Where the hell have you been all my blog? Blue Gal's parents are from the North Side, too. Well, blogroll you now. Happy 4th. Very funny, good writing. Keep the faith.

  2. Maria, really...you are such a patriot in the way you express a Happy July 4th. I am sure our forefathers would be so pleased with how you express your little self righteous selfish self. You make me sick.

    There is just NO way you have a man, is there? I think that could be half your battle right there.

  3. i put the picture on my screensaver slide!!!!

    great post.

  4. yeah there you go sherry, great post as our forefathers turn in their graves over shit like this.

  5. Each day ObL wakes up a free man thanks to our own King George.

    The founders at least revolted against their King George.

    Happy 4th

  6. Sherry,

    Funny that you said that as the Uncle Bush illustration was taken from an old NARAL ad that's part of a rotating group of pics that I use for my screensaver.

  7. A reminder for Troll Boy Braden:

    But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

  8. Maria, you are fucking insane. Seriously, there is definitely something wrong with you.

  9. And here I thought the 4th of July was a day to celebrate this country's independence....I guess I was wrong, it's all about hating George W Bush, of course.

    Again, Maria...you are i-n-s-a-n-e because of your hatred for Bush. Those sour grapes must be pretty huge, eh?

  10. yeah there you go sherry, great post as our forefathers turn in their graves over shit like this.

    i think our forefather's would have been leading the bloggers that work day in and day out to remind people that this administration is usurping the judicial and the legislative branches power , power that the forefather's deliberately divided equally among the 3 branches of government that THEY saw fit to put into place to prevent a monarchy or a dictatorship. they warned many times in their writings about letting one branch or one man take too much authority unto themselves.

  11. Anonymous is just soooo scared that the big bad terrorists will hurt him that he's willing to surrender the rights our forefathers gave us in exchange for a little false security.
