July 12, 2006

Santorum's got some splainin' to do!

Not really sure what this means, exactly. But here's the story.
Eric Miller, a member of Santorum’s campaign staff, created and registered www.smalltowndefenders.com at the request of Santorum’s deputy campaign manager Luke Bernstein, Hazleton solicitor Christopher Slusser confirmed.

The Web site promotes Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta’s controversial illegal immigration ordinance and seeks signatures of those who support it. Miller was asked to help the mayor’s office with the technical aspects of launching the Web site, Slusser said.
Here's the site, for those who are curious.

I think there might be something fishy here - the text of the ordinance itself isn't on smalltowndefenders.com - why not?. All that's there is a message from the mayor of Hazelton and an opportunity to sign a petition. I am curious as to what happens to all those names - the website's been built by Santorum staffers. Does Lil Ricky get access to all that data?

In any event the ordinance should be here it is at the city's official website, though I haven't been able to dl the pdf file. Traffic around the site is probably too congested.

Our good friend Virginia Davis does her job of explaining it all:
The Republican senator’s re-election campaign is not connected to the Hazleton ordinance, Virginia Davis, a spokeswoman for Santorum, said Tuesday. The work performed for Barletta is a “non-issue” since it was done on personal time, she said.

Barletta, a Republican, is a regional campaign coordinator for the two-term senator. As a campaign coordinator, Barletta works to raise money for Santorum’s campaign.

Slusser said it might seem “a bit ironic” that the two men who helped with the Web site also work for Santorum. The site was “not ever intended to be a site that was created at the behest of (Santorum),” he said.
Actually, that's not irony. The Wikipedia has a great example of irony (the best I've read in a while):
In June 2005, the State of Virginia Employment Agency, which handles unemployment compensation, announced that they would lay off 400 employees for lack of work because unemployment is so low in the state.
Now that's irony. What's going on with this Hazelton ordinance website isn't irony. It's politics as usual. Perhaps someone should send Davis a dictionary.

Anyway I have a question: Lil Ricky goes ballistic and makes a baseless charge that "Casey operatives" are stalking his property in Penn Hills - and yet his spokewoman can, with a straight face (especially important in Senator Man-on-Dog's office), state that there's no connection between a website constructed by an actual Santorum operative and the Santorum campaign itself.

Yea, right.

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  1. You sir, are a god dam liar. I visited the site and it is AGAINST illegal immigrants. Did you bother to read it, you jerk?

    YOU have some splainin' to do.

  2. Um, actually I don't see what Anonymous is taking about (of course the Hazelton site is against immigrants, I don’t see where As- Dayvoe says otherwise). At the same time, I think Dayvoe answered his own question – Santorum’s staff was engaging in “politics as usual”. We know Santorum is going anti-immigrant as a wedge issue, to pull back the conservative voters Casey is supposed to be able to woo with his anti-abortion, anti-gun control stances. What IS interesting is the midweek piece from today’s PG, from Doug McKinnon (http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06193/705095-109.stm). Mr. McKinnon generalizes from his own anecdotal observations, but if he is correct then Santorum’s strategy (among others) could hurt the Republicans in the southwest. I don’t know if that would be enough to cost the Republicans the congress in ’06, but it might hurt them (fatally) nationally in ’08.

  3. That should be "not sure what Anonymous is *talking* about" ...
    That "As-Dayvoe" thing was me remembering bad names I believe Anonymous has used in the past and trying to riff on his (her?) comment, and falling flat.

  4. "not sure what Anonymous is talking about"

    No problem -- Anonymous may be the only person to ride the short bus to CMU.

  5. maria when was the last time you got some? it may help that insane sense of paranoia you suffer from.

  6. It's a little creepy that you keep mentioning my sex life. I can promise you that I haven't thought about yours for more then the time it's taken me to type this sentence.

    Oh...wait. That would be the standard *REALLY* creepy way that Rethuglicans like you have to either control or insult women. You'll rail about women being too loose when it comes to the subject of abortions then you'll turn around and insult them by saying they must not be getting enough if they have a thought in their heads that you don't like.

    Is it possible for you to not be a walking stereotype?

    Didn't think so.

  7. maria:

    mayview state hospital CAN help you.

    You partisan, smug, useless h0.

  8. Hey, wait a minute Braden.......Mayview is the place for me - not Maria. Or do you think all democratic non horse-faced women belong in Mayview?
    Also, your reference to sex as the calming factor for a woman is baseless in 2006. I get lucky all the time thanks to my wonderful husband and I am still an angry person - see sex can't make up for all the crap the current administration puts out.
    I know that this must be hard for you to understand. So, I'll try to use small words:
    When you have sex with a real woman she doesn't deflate when the man is through with her and stop that whining noise from the leak holes that are covered in duct tape.
    Real women are still saddened by the loss of democracy, checks and balances, civil liberties...even after their partners have fully satisfied their physical needs.

    Anon #2

  9. Anon2 - Up your meds and adjust your tin foil dude/dudette

  10. Wow Braden you are so clever! A refence to tin foil here and on your Star Trek hate site.
    You should really try to be more creative. Are you having trouble with that because of your lack of sex, a personality, or is just you complete inability to see beyond the box of lies you've put yourself in?

    I wonder..........

    Anon #2

  11. I dont want a bunch of illegal immigrants felons hanging around my town. They are not contributing to the tax base, and expect the citizens to support them. It is against the law to hire and conceal the identity of someone you know has committed a felony and conceal this by not reporting it.

