August 1, 2006

Have Lunch with John Edwards this Friday!

What: Lunch with John Edwards
Where: The Hill House - 1835 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 - (Light lunch will be provided)
When: Friday, August 4th at 12:00 noon
Who: Senator John Edwards , Pittsburgh Change to Win Chair Gabe Morgan, and Khari Mosley of the League of Young Voters


The campaign to change Wal-Mart is quickly becoming one of the most important political fights of our time. The Associated Press recently called the fight to change Wal-Mart one of the "hottest, highest stakes political contests in America today."

Now is your chance to join and local community groups on the 2006 national Change Wal-Mart, Change America bus tour. The tour will educate people about what Wal-Mart is doing to America, expose how Wal-Mart is using our democracy against the best interests of the American people and call on every American to join the fight for change.

In the end, our campaign is not just a fight to change Wal-Mart; it is a fight for what kind of America we want to live in.

We want real change in America, but we can't have real change when big corporations like Wal-Mart contribute millions of dollars to right-wing Republicans to take America in the wrong direction. For example, Wal-Mart opposes expanding health care for working families, fought against a living wage, helped ship U.S. jobs overseas and even used its special interest organization to lobby against strengthening port security.

Starting in New York City and ending in Seattle, Washington, the five-week bus tour will visit 35 cities in 19 states across America. We will be attending state fairs, holding town hall meetings, organizing grassroots rallies, and canvassing neighborhoods. The tour will be an unprecedented call to action as we ask the American people to join our 248,000 supporters who are fighting to change Wal-Mart and build a better America.


Hope to see you there!

*1835 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(Light lunch will be provided)

Event co-sponsored by: Change to Win, League of Young Voters, Allegheny County Central Labor Council, Allegheny County Democratic Committee, ACORN, Democracy for Pittsburgh, Progress Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Young Democrats, Just Harvest, South End Active Democrats, CLUW, Labor and Religion Coalition, Mon Valley Unemployed Committee, CBTU, Pennsylvania America Votes, Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network, Working Families Win



Volunteers needed to flyer down town from 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Friday. Please contact Janis Williams ( ) or me ( ) if you can flyer.

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of this campaign, but why isn't Edward going to a single southern state? All the D's have to do is win one southern state and they take back the white house - not to mention that Dixie is where Wal-mart makes most of their money...
