August 18, 2006

Is he fucking drunk or what?

I mean I know even Joe Scarborough asked this week if Bush was an "idiot," but being an idiot doesn't make you slur your words, does it? (If this was your friend, you'd stage and intervention...if it were your grandfather, you'd put him in a home.)

View for yourself:

More on the actual content (I'm King, blah, blah, Ya'll gonna die, blah, blah, um, errrr, uuuuuum, errrr, blah, blah, what word am I looking for? Oh yeah, 'the'...) of what he said later.


  1. do you remember the few times, toward the end of reagan's term when his "people" would interupt the newspeople asking questions of him or actually once, turning down the lights because he was caught off guard and struggled at the questions being tossed at him?

    i wonder when bush's "people" will have to start to do that sort of thing for him?

    i saw him trying to string sentences together about the judge's ruling on wiretapping. it was inane, rambling foolishness.

    it was truly a performance that should worry all of us.

  2. He's cracking big time. It's finally starting to dawn on him that he's been used as a patsy by his government of crooks, and that he's going to be left holding the bag when the shit finally hits the fan (and it already started). He's been drinking on the sly for quite a while now, and I'll bet he's also doing other stuff. The question is, is it possible to force him to take a hair follicle test?
