August 9, 2006

Lamont Victory: Next Steps

This is the WINNER:

This is the LOSER:

This is what YOU NEED TO DO NOW:

1. Call every single Democratic Senator today and demand that they immediately come out in support of the Democratic Senate candidate from Connecticut, Ned Lamont and demand that he be stripped of his committe seats. (Senate Phone #'s here)

2. Contact Democratic interest groups who backed Lieberman and ask them to switch allegiances to Ned Lamont in the general election. Here are some of the groups supporting Leiberman that I was able to find on the cached copy of Loserman's still down website (which Lamont was gracious enough to host and which NO ONE hacked - Joe was using a rinky-dink $15/month host):

- NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC, 202-973-3000, Online Contact Form
- Planned Parenthood Federal PAC, 202-973-4800,
- Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, Online Contact Form
- AFSCME, 202-429-1000, Online Contact Form

If you're from CT:
- Connecticut AFL-CIO, 860-571-6191, Online Contact Form
- CWA Local 1103, 914-939-8203,
- CWA Local 1298, 800-833-2889, Online Contact Form
- SEIU 32BJ, Political Action - (Yvie Renda) 212-388-3126
- The Hartford Courant, Letters To The Editor Online Contact Form
- Connecticut Post, Letters to the Editor

(h/t to AmericaBlog and KOS for these action item suggestions.)

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  1. Is that Jesse Jackson AND Al Sharpton up there? Granted, I know nothing about Connecticut politics, but is that the smartest photo-op going into a general election - when you only got 52% of the Democrats? Most white folks I know may not be raging Bull Connor type racists, but they generally can't stand Sharpton or the Rev. Jackson.

  2. Another (Tony) Snowjob:

    "... a lot of people have tried to make this [Lieberman's loss], a referendum on the president. I would flip it. I think instead it's a defining moment for the Democratic Party whose national leaders now have made it clear that if you disagree with the extreme left in their party, they're going to come after you,"...

    Sorry, Snowjob, if anything's flipped, it's your brain. The nat'l Dem leaders campaigned for Joe, they sent him money, Bill Clinton stumped for him, etc. The DLC, that well-known "get out of the middle, move to the RIGHT" group, pulled out all stops to help Joe.

    As for parties coming after those who disagree with them, let's start a GOP roster: Paul O'Neill, Colin Powell...
