August 15, 2006

Meanwhile, over at Camp Santorum

Things don't look so good. From the Patriot-News:
The most fanfare U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum received at the Butler Farm Show came over the public address system as he walked past a row of farm machinery and then fed a llama.

"We're pleased to announced the arrival of our senator, Rick Santorum," said the announcer, prompting a chorus of cheers from the small group gathered around the local Republican committee's booth that promoted Santorum and the rest of the GOP ticket.

Except for a brief event in a barn, where Santorum spoke about agriculture policy surrounded by dairy cows chomping on hay and several supportive farmers, the senator drew little attention as he walked around the event holding his wife's hand or inspecting horses with his children.
That's the best they could do? Lil Ricky's feeding a llama and then he inspects some horses? Not quite. He did get one endorsement at the Butler County Fair:
One of the few exceptions came from the "Old Time Magic Man," who offered an unsolicited endorsement of the embarrassed-looking lawmaker who watched the show with his son Peter from the back row.

"That's our senator. He's a good man," the magician said after performing a rope trick for an audience of elementary school and preschool children and their parents.
Embarrassed - now he knows what the rest of us feel like.

Even local right wing terrorist Jim Quinn couldn't even help get the word out:
Even the night before, when Santorum's campaign hosted 400 supporters for a kickoff rally that included a performance by the Oak Ridge Boys, an enormous press riser to accommodate the horde of anticipated television cameras was nearly empty.

The only television cameras present belonged to the Pennsylvania Cable Network, a local Pittsburgh station and Santorum's media consultant, no doubt capturing the scene for advertisements.
The media consultant would be little Johnny Brabender. Nice job of attracting media attention, Johnny. Yer doin a heck of a job.

The interesting stuff was tucked in way at the end. Courtesy of John McIntire's favorite Republican curmudgen "Mean" Bill Green:
Santorum has worked to repair damage with conservatives angry about his support for Specter two years ago in a primary challenge by conservative Rep. Pat Toomey, yet he still has work to do.

"Getting the core conservatives back is critical," GOP consultant Bill Green said.

Toomey has been the "ambassador to the right wing," and that's helped Santorum, Green said.

He said Santorum needs to spend more time in television commercials and on the campaign trail doing what he's doing on the bus tour: reminding voters what he's been doing.

"We have to go back and make him a Pennsylvanian again," Green said.
Why would they need to do that? That's right. Because he admitted to KDKA's Marty Griffin that he spends 90% of his time in Virginia (where he lives) and DC (where he works).

Rick Santorum - He's not a Pennsylvanian, but he plays one on TV


  1. Gee, too bad Santorum doesn't have another candidate to run against. From that write-up it seems he is just running against himself. Tough job.

    What kind of candidate would get my vote against a Santorum? A candidate who hasn't swallowed the liberal cool-aid and understands fascist islam is at war with us whether we persist in denial or not. A candidate not suffering from the "conservative" "social" (more like anti-social) agenda.

    But what did the DNC offer? Some non-constructive loser suffering both the see-no-terror psychosis of the left along with the christian-taliban social disease of the right.

    Thank you main stream politics for another lose-lose choice.
