August 28, 2006

Political CELEBreality 2008!

Last night saw a celebration of the 2005 /2006 television season wth the broadcast of the Emmy Awards and the airwaves already are glutted with ads for the new 2006/2007 lineup.

We here at 2 Political Junkies like to stay well ahead of the curve, so we've spared no expense to tap the minds of the various network executives to find out what's in store for the 2008/2009 TV season. With that, we bring you:

Still dodging subpoenas from the Democratically-controlled House and Senate, ex-President George W. Bush is spotted in the crowd lining up to audition for the latest season of American Idol. Bush is said to be planning on regaling the judges by tooting out his very special rendition of The Star Spangled Banner (it's OK as long as it's not in Spanish):

The long awaited new season of Being Bobby Brown is finally set to air in 2008 now that word has come out that Osama bin Laden has a major crush on Whitney Houston. It's almost certain that it was the infamous "dookie bubble" episode in the first season that won bin Laden's heart and made him realize that he wanted to get hands-on with the diva:

Also dodging subpoenas from the Democratically-controlled House and Senate, Karl Rove has a major breakthrough and decides to totally turn his life around. He decides to start on the outside and work his way in, hence an appearance on Celebrity Fit Club:

Condi Rice realizes that even after Bush has left office, he'll still never be her hubby. She meets up with now totally irrelevant -- yet still attention-craving -- Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush and a score of other desperate women on season six of Flavor of Love:

A very special live episode of the CBS series Cold Case looks for the still uncaptured Osama bin Laden:

Syndicated programs for the 2008/2009 season (check your local listings for times and dates):

Bad boy Dick Cheney appears on multiple episodes of COPS after shooting more old people in the face.

Former senator Lil Ricky Santorum gets down and personal with our canine friends on the new show Doggy Style! (sold jointly with the Jerry Springer Show).

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