August 3, 2006

The Post-Gazette Chimes in on Lamont/Lieberman Race

They don't come out and explicitly endorse either candidate - the editorial itself is somewhat tepid and hazy in its point of view (and not in the good way).

At the very least, it looks like the board in its near-infinite wisdom might be leaning in the direction of sorta kinda not being altogether that unhappy if Lamont were to, you know, maybe win the nomination.

Here's the link.

I base that conclusion on the last paragraph:
This newspaper's endorsement of a candidate in a Connecticut primary could be seen as irrelevant. At the same time, it's fair to say the national Democratic Party could use some shaking up, not to mention greater clarity in its position on the Iraq war. The outcome of Tuesday's primary may provide some of both.
Look carefully. While it does say that the P-G's endorsement would be "irrelevant," the board writes that "national Democratic Party could use some shaking up" and I am guessing that the way that would happen would be - if Ned Lamont were to win.

Maybe a stretch.

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