August 8, 2006

Rick Santorum's getting (more) paranoid

Check it out. I found this via Santorumexposed.
Santorum's tour begins with a real blowout

U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum's bus tour got off to a bumpy start this morning. Santorum's campaign RV, which features pictures of him and his family, was pulled off the road after blowing a tire around 11:25 a.m.

The campaign was en route from Armstrong County to Jefferson County on U.S. Route 422 when a loud bang was heard. "I didn't know if somebody was shooting at us," said Santorum, who had just spoken at a fire company in Kittanning. [emphasis added]
Perhaps the shooter was the same "Casey Operative" who was "trespassing" where Rick and his family "live" in Penn Hills.

No wait - that didn't happen either.

Here's how the P-G's Jim O'Toole wrote it up:
Travelers' advisory: Beware of Approaching Metaphors.

The Santorum campaign bus was barreling up and down the hills leading to Jefferson County when a sharp crack split the steamy morning.

Even before its wobbly thrump-thrump-thrump confirmed that a tire was flat, forcing the colorful conveyance to the side of the road, the RV's air conditioning had failed in the near-90-degree heat.

Not for the first time in his re-election campaign, Rick Santorum was confounded by forces beyond his control.
Maybe it was the 90-degree heat frying his brain a little. Maybe it was the pressure of being among the least liked Senators in DC. Maybe, just maybe, the pressure of a losing campaign is getting to him. Maybe it was all three, I dunno.

Good thing O'Toole didn't mention Rick's paranoid assassination fantasy - Rick would've looked like a complete loon then. Again.

Rick Santorum - crazy from the heat.


  1. Six points back now?
    Still have a debate to go.
    What's Casey's plan on energy?

  2. From the same Jim O'Toole,
    Post-Gazette article:


    ...Larry Smar, a spokesman for the Casey campaign, maintained that Mr. Santorum misstated the Democrat's positions, saying that Mr. Casey had never spoken in favor of a troop withdrawal or a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. He also took exception to Mr. Santorum's claim, delivered before a knot of listeners in a barn at the Butler Farm Show, that Mr. Casey had advocated ratification of the Kyoto Treaty, a mandatory reduction on emission of greenhouse gases that was rejected by the United States in President George W. Bush's first term...


    Two (of many) reasons why i'll be voting for Carl Romanelli and the
    Green Party candidates.


  3. Is Pennsylvania so extreme that they would actually re-elect this guy? Over his last term, he has made it pretty clear just how far to the right he is.

  4. 1. Do not now, do not EVER, count Rick Santorum out of a race. He's a canny pol that way.

    2. Maybe them that find Bob Jr. not, er, "progressive" enough will help Rick by voting "green." Way to take the bait, folks. :P
