August 6, 2006

Some More Santorum Shenanigans

Not only has a group of Santorum Conservatives bought and paid for the Carl Romanelli "Green" campaign, it turns out that Santorum staffers were among those collecting signatures to get him on the ballot.

From the AP:
Several people working for Republican Sen. Rick Santorum's re-election campaign - including an intern who dressed as a duck - were among those collecting signatures for a Green Party candidate.

The effort to get Carl Romanelli on the general election ballot is a tactic that could siphon votes from Santorum's Democratic challenger, state Treasurer Bob Casey. Polls show Casey leading Santorum.

Democrats disclosed the Republican involvement in collecting signatures for Romanelli. Virginia Davis, a spokeswoman for Santorum, did not dispute it.
I wonder if all those people signing all those petitions had any inkling that they might have been talking to a staffer from "Senator Man-on-Dog" campaign.

Certainly a grey area ethically unless of course this part of the story turns out to be true:
Still, state Democratic Party Chairman T.J. Rooney said there were problems with the signatures submitted, alleging the petitions contained unregistered voters, multiple signatures by the same person and fake names.

He was particularly critical of papers submitted by Santorum campaign intern John Michael Glick, who has worn a duck costume to hound Casey for "ducking" issues.

Glick appeared to have collected signatures in Beaver, Washington and Fayette counties the same day he purportedly circulated petitions in Juniata and Schuylkill counties - about 200 miles away, Rooney said.
Maybe the duck outfit gave him the ability to fly.

At the very least, we now know the name of the guy in the duck suit: John Michael Glick.

We should welcome John Michael Glick to the blog. Hello John Michael Glick - I am sure we'll be writing something more about you, John Michael Glick, in the days/weeks ahead.

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  1. While the desperate Santorum camp descends into anthropomorphism, perhaps they should consider other "furries."

    Rick in a large, greasy ferret costume, so he can slither around K Street, poking his pointy little nose into every lobbyist's pocket.

    Consultant John Brabender in a Chihuahua costume, a tiny, annoying attack-dog who goes around humping the legs of his clients for money...and peeing on the competition.

    You get the idea.

    Of course, if Rick had his way, he and Karen would show up at the polls in Penn Hills on Election Day dressed a Jesus and Mary....

  2. LOL! If you don't have your own blog, you should!
