August 30, 2006

Spewing Garbage

They'd call us all Nazis if they thought that they could get away with it.

They have no real strategy.

Their only policy is to foment fear and denigrate their opposition.

They have nothing else.


  1. it's worked for them so far.
    it's not going to stop until it gets to the point where even their most ardent supporters tell them that even THEY aren't buying it.

  2. Six years ago, George Bush promised to unite the country. He has accomplished that mission. Over 60% of the country is united against the Bush / Cheney / Rove / Rumsfeld administration of lies, incompetence, lack of accountability and failure.

    The public is in a foul mood and they WILL take it out on any incumbent who is pro-Bush in November.

  3. olbermann should be interesting tonight!

  4. I had to run to the pharmacy before it closed so I only got to hear the last minute or so of his commentary. :-(

    I'll have to try to catch the rerun...

  5. oh god, he was amazing!!! it's worth catching, tho the transcript is up on his site. he was just wonderful in his manner of speaking, his attitude, just great. it was sobering. he was brave considering things like the outing of plame, things like that would make most people in KO's position think twice, i'm certain.
    me, i wrote an e-mail to support him!

  6. I will definitely have to catch it.

    I did call into C-SPAN this morning on this topic (around 7:30 am)....managed to get the "nazi" line in too.

  7. If they were to call you "damned", would they be accurate? I hope not.
