August 6, 2006

Wakeup Wal-Mart / John Edwards Photos

Here's some photos from the Pittsburgh stop on the Wakeup Wal-Mart Tour (blogged about here).

The pictures were taken by Democratic State Committeeman and SEAD President Rob Frank on his cell phone (Thanks, Rob!)

Other pols in attendance included: Valerie McDonald Roberts, Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds; Rich Fitzgerald, Allegheny County Council President; John DeFazio, Allegheny County Council At-Large and Director of the United Steel Workers of America in Pennsylvania; Carmella Mullen, Vice-Chair of The Democratic Committee of Allegheny County; Laurie Williams, Chalfant Boro Council Member (Thanks for the ride!); and Chelsa Wagner who's running against Michael Diven for State Representative in the 22nd Legislative District.

The first ever national report on Wal-Mart subsidies documented at least $1 billion in subsidies from state and local governments -- over $59,000,000 coming from Pennsylvania alone!

Sen. John Edwards received an enthusiastic welcome from the crowd. If you remember his "Two Americas" stump speech, you'll recognize that he was a natural fit for this event.

The tour was co-sponsored by and Democracy for America.

DeFazio introduces Sen. Edwards

Sen. John Edwards firing up the audience

Carmella Mullen with Edwards

Edwards with Dorothy Flowers and others

More pictures can be seen at A Spork in the Drawer .

Rob Frank is also hosting today's South End Active Democrats 16th Annual Free Family Picnic
Where: Commissioners Cottage, South Park, PA
When: Sunday, August 6, 1:00pm to ?
More info here


  1. Thank you for the photos!

    Have you seen the Guerilla in Pittsburgh video (it's more focused on Edwards than the rally), but thought you might be interested.

    Also check out my blog for some other photos.

    I actually posted on a freeper's blog about Edwards' right to stand up for all of us at the Rally when he was accused of hyprocrisy. One of their regular bloggers thought he had "given me a bloody nose", told me not to come back, but I was undeterred and told them it was too bad they had to resort to Rovian tactics instead of denying the issue exists.

  2. What's the deal about targeting Walmart when almost all retailers are doing the same thing, including selling almost totally imported products?

    It seems to be a shallow gimmick that the Democrats have chosen. It makes me distrust the Democrats instead of thinking of them as being concerned about the low waged retail workers in all the US stores.
