September 5, 2006

BREAKING: Doug Shields Is New Pittsburgh City Council President

Amen to that.

Well, conventional wisdom said that Jim Motznik would be elected, but in a 7-1 vote (Motznik voted no), Councilman Doug Shields was elected Pittsburgh City Council President.

He was nominated by Daniel Deasy and seconded by Bill Peduto.

In a moving acceptance speech, he quoted the Ralph Waldo Emerson poem that was printed on the backs of the cards handed out to those who viewed Mayor O'Connor's coffin as it lay in state at the City-County Building.

In Mr. Shields speech, he indicated that he had not sought the position.

Changes in Committees:

Tonya Payne is now Council President Pro Tem and Chair of Planning, Zoning and Land Use Committee. (She was officially nominated by Ms. Carlisle).

Dan Deasy is now Chair of Council’s Finance, Law and Purchasing Committee.

Jeff Cook is now Chair of Committee on Public Works and Environmental Services (until a 9th member is elected) as well as continuing as Chairperson for the Committee on Engineering, Fleet and Forestry.

Twanda Carlisle is now back as Chairperson for the Committee on Housing, Economic Development and Promotion.

Len Bodak is now back as Chairman of the Public Safety Services Committee.

Bill Peduto keeps the Committee on Facilities, Technology and the Arts.

James Motznik keeps Parks, Recreation and Youth Policy Committee.


  1. The meeting started 40 or so minutes late -- small wonder!

  2. Doug Shields is the best choice for this position.

    You should have heard Motznik crying about it on Marty Griffin this morning, he was calling council members out, it was shameful on his part.

  3. The word "Shameful" implies someone is filled with shame.

    I don't ever recall young Motznik having any to begin with.

  4. Shields is indeed the best choice. Mayor O'Connor is probably smiling somewhere up in the sky.

    That said, the would-be politicians should learn something from this: crass politics in the face of tradegy is a sure path to defeat.

    As for Motznik, he lost the election today. But he may have the most influence with the new administration.

  5. "They're not the brightest of people."
    -- Hon. Jim Motznik, talking about Councilmember's Koch and Deasy.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Well how can I respond to a post if you go and remove it?


    I basically remember what you said, but I will now pretend that I don't.

  8. My deleted comment was two one-sided, and it would have tarnished my well-known reputation for total accuracy. While it is true that 26 generally is too young to head a major organization (referring to the new Mayor), in all fairness to 26-year olds, most corporations, dioceses, etc. would not allow as their chief someone as old as Ronald Reagan when he left the White House, either. Cuts both ways. To be fair (for once), I can think of some of 26-year olds I'd prefer as Mayor over various political hacks I know in their 50's. We just don't know about the young man. For me, the important thing is that the Motznik blow-up today may signal a return to the glory days of City Council of Michelle Madoff-Jeep DePasquale -- lots of good material for my blog.

  9. For me, the important thing is that the Motznik blow-up today may signal a return to the glory days of City Council of Michelle Madoff-Jeep DePasquale...

    Stop it! I'm getting all misty-eyed!

  10. You are too young to remember it, Maria. That was a time when City Council members were household names here.

  11. I was out of town from Sept. of '82 to Jan of '98.

    It was a long trip. ;-)

    I'm guessing we're around the same age.
