September 8, 2006

Dobson's Focus on the Family Coming to Pittsburgh

Sue at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents is all over this. As she says, "Grand-Poobahs of Christian bigotry - James Dobson" is coming to town on the 2oth.

There will be protests if you would like to join in:
Standing With All Families: Pittsburgh Gays Go Toe to Toe with Focus on the Family

Monday, September 11 - GLAAD media training, Gay & Lesbian Community Center
Tuesday, September 12 - Town Hall meeting on "Religion in the 2006 and 2008 elections", Andy Warhol Museum
Sunday, September 17 - An evening with Lars Clausen, First United Methodist (this guy rode a unicycle across America)
Monday, September 18 - Gay civil rights film and discussion, Friends Meeting House
Wednesday, September 20 - Stand With All Families Rally, Mellon Arena

Please go to Sue's blog for more details.

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