September 12, 2006

Hey, A Melissa Hart update!

I wrote recently (well, yesterday) about Congresswoman Melissa Hart's seeming endorsement of the grotesquery that was ABC's "Path to 9/11."

She said she liked the "docudrama" and felt that it was pretty much in keeping with the 9/11 Commission.

Did you know that Missy Hart voted against the formation of the 9/11 Commission?

Yep, an eagle-eyed reader with a long memory sent in that little tidbit.

Take a look. It was roll 347 that (I guess) ended at about 2am on Thursday July 25, 2002.

So if Missy Hart (and 182 other Republicans, 4 Democrats and one independent) had their way, the 9/11 Commission would never have existed, no report would have been issued and there would have been nothing for the screenwriter of "The Path to 9/11" to distort so much that Missy Hart ended up liking it.

It's one big confusing circle, huh?

1 comment:

  1. I met Melissa Hart several years ago at a conference. After about an hour sitting and talking with her at the bar after the meetings, I thanked her for completely destroying my image of what a politician is. That was several years ago, and perhaps she's changed, but my gut reaction to this is, okay what else were they trying to slip in with the formation of the 9/11 commission?
