September 5, 2006

KOS is coming to the Burgh this Saturday

WHEN: Saturday, 9/9/06, 7:00 PM
WHERE: Joseph Beth Booksellers, 2705 E. Carson Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203
COST: Free

On Saturday, September 9th at 7:00 PM, Markos Moulitsas, founder of, and Jerome Armstrong, founder of, will speak at Joseph-Beth Booksellers on Pittsburgh’s south side about the impact of progressive grassroots/netroots organizing on the upcoming mid-term elections.

They will also sign paperback editions of Crashing the Gate, their critically-acclaimed analysis of contemporary American politics.

Wonder if I can get them to sign my pre-release, special Kossack version of the book? (I'm guessing only if a buy a paperback at the store.)

More info at:


1. A special KOS edition of Drinking Liberally will be held afterward:
Claddagh Irish Pub
407 Cinema Dr

Pittsburgh, PA 15203
(412) 381-4800

@ 9:00PM

2. Also if you're a Kossack, check out this diary at Daily KOS.


  1. Stop by Claddagh at 9pm -???? after the event!!! We'll be having a special Drinking Liberally for Markos!

  2. I got the info I posted from a press release from the Joseph Beth people -- I'll update it to include the DRINKING PART. lol
