September 8, 2006

The League of Young Voters HOT Sheet

Tabling at the Jail -- Friday, September 8th
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, County Jail, Downtown
Join us in the jail. Have you seen our ex-offender billboards around town? More about this below.

Sprout Fund's Idea Roundup -- Saturday, September 9th
9:00AM- 5:00 PM, CAPA High School, Downtown The Sprout Fund, one of the dopest grant-making organizations around, awards grants to young people who have ideas about how to improve the quality of life in Pittsburgh. Come help them generate ideas for the next projects to fund!

Jake Wheatley Community Day, Saturday, September 9th
10:00AM-3:00 PM, Reed and Kirkpatrick Sts., Hill District

Benefit Concert for Hurricane Katrina Victims Saturday, September 9th
7:00PM, Rex Theatre, Southside

Book signing with the founder of Daily Kos, Markos Moulitsas, and the founder of, Jerome Armstrong Saturday, September 9th
7:00PM, Joseph Beth's Bookstore, Southside
The League is working this event, stop by! Come meet the people who changed the political landscape with the blog.

Transportation Meeting, Tuesday, September 12th
10:30 AM, 31st. Floor of the Regional Enterprise Tower, 425 Sixth Avenue, Downtown This is the sole meeting in W. PA about the budget shortfalls predicted in the recent report commissioned by Governor Rendell, and is open to the public for commentary. The League crew will be there to be make recommendations about what steps are needed to pay for the decaying infrastructure and public transit systems in PA.

Film Kitchen, Tuesday, September 12th
7:00 PM-10:00 PM Melwood Screening Room, N. Oakland

One Nation, Many Faiths. Vote 2006. Tuesday, September 12th
7:00 PM-8:30 PM Warhol Museum, Northside Come to this public lecture about the role of religion in the 2006 election cycle.

Also, The League's acclaimed traing program is coming to Pittsburgh next week:

Tunnel Building Institute

The Pittsburgh League of Young Voters' Tunnel Building Institute is an eight-week, grassroots voter organizing training program. This program is designed to fuse the skills of community organizing and political strategy by engaging, educating and empowering traditionally disenfranchised or ignored communities to effectively use the democratic process. Upon completion of the program, participants will be presented with an official LYV voter organizer certificate at a reception held in mid-November

The Pittsburgh Tunnel Builder Institute will provide participants with an opportunity to work in a dynamic experiential learning lab by participating in unique field exercises and simulations. TBI will provide participants the necessary skills to become the premier electoral, grassroots and issue-based organizers in the region. Field activities will include voter registration, voter identification, alliance building, writing press releases and running an effective election-day program.

-- Application deadline: 5PM, Monday Sept. 11th
-- Classroom & field sessions begin Wednesday September 13th and end on election day Tuesday November 7th, 2006
-- Time commitment:
6 hours a week (5 in the field/1 in the classroom)
To apply:
Contact the Pittsburgh League at 412-728-2197,
Email or
Apply directly at


  1. There's a Drinking Liberally reception for Markos following the book signing at Claddagh.

  2. Sorry, I just cut and pasted that one from The League's email.

    Go to Claddagh's and while you're there, buy Frothy a drink -- he's having a birthday!
