September 19, 2006

Veterans for Murtha Rally

WHEN: Sep 30 2006, 11:00 am - 2:00pm
Johnstown's Central Park
Main Street and Franklin Street
Johnstown, Pa.

Want to show Jack Murtha how much you appreciate his stand on Iraq and his support for our soldiers?

Come show your support -- Max Cleland is showing his!

Please turn out on Saturday, September 30th at 11:00 am in Central Park in Johnstown, PA as true patriots come out in support of Congressman Jack Murtha.

Congressman Murtha has served his country proudly as a Marine and as a U.S. Congressman since 1953. He is under attack from extreme elements who disagree with his stance on the war and seek to destroy his character. We refuse to allow attacks like these to continue to stain the fabric of American politics and distort pressing issues in crucial times, especially for a man who has served so well for so long.

It is time to set the record straight and stop the Swiftboating of all Democratic veterans!

All supporters are welcome. You don't have to be a veteran to attend.

If you are coming to Johnstown and plan on staying overnight, special rates will be offered at the Johnstown Holiday Inn, 250 Market Street.

See for further information.


  1. How is Murtha doing, by the way? All I ever see is Irey press releases - shouting in all caps - about the most trivial crap. I'm guessing she's getting pasted in the polls but have seen no numbers. Anyone?

  2. Thanks for posting this Maria. Readers can keep up with the 12th CD race at my blog, The Pennsylvania Progressive. I've begun covering it.

  3. That web site is .
