September 3, 2006

Vote for Casey Here

From PoliticsPA:

Who Won the Casey-Santorum Debate on Meet the Press?
Vote at

UPDATE: Santorum is at 76% on this poll and we know that isn't right. Please vote.

Analysis on the debate itself later today, but let's just say that one of Casey's biggest Democratic detractors that I know called me midway through to say how impressed they were with Casey's performance.


  1. Same old, same old. What can you do but parrot the main bird when you vote with him 98% of the time. The Social Security vote he claims were made when it was obvious that the main bird was going down in flames. Most of his other votes are against the commen poeple, even nany of those who voted for him in previous elections. Business comes first.

  2. After his lame performance, I would hope that Casey rejects all further calls to debate.

    Unfortunately, he came across as a simpleton. Santorum came across as a very astute pol.
