September 19, 2006


All horror enthusiasts are formally invited to participate in
Pittsburgh's first ever Zombie Walk.***
The event will take place in Pittsburgh's South Side
on September 22, 2006.

Details HERE

They're coming to get you, Barbara!

***What is a Zombie Walk?

A zombie walk is an organized public gathering of two or more people who dress up in zombie costumes and make up. Usually taking place in an urban centre, the participants make their way around the city streets and through shopping malls in a somewhat orderly fashion and often limping and gnawing their way towards a local cemetery (or movie theater).

During the event participants are encouraged to remain in character as zombies and to communicate only in a manner consistent with zombies (such as grunts, groans and slurred moans calling for “brains”.)

(h/t to pittgirl)


  1. Ah, yes, they hunger for brains.

    At least the Santorum crowd will be safe. ;)

  2. Scene: Outside a Santorum fundraiser, an ever-growing army of ravenous zombies gather unbeknownst to the clueless participants inside.


    The zombies manage to breech the building and spill into the rally. At first no one notices the zombies as they shuffle around with a dead look in their eyes.

    Eventually a couple of Fat Cat Republican donors notice the zombies, but their only reaction is to turn up those noses at the "poor people" as the zombies have typically tattered clothes.

    The zombies sniff and sniff for the smell of the brains that they need to try to quench their undying hunger.

    But they smell none.

    The zombies shuffle out and the campaign event goes on as planned.


  3. of course, if the zombies began to vote, then the Republicans would take notice of them. but this has been covered already...

  4. That was a funny movie. If I wasn't so busy, I'd link to it. It was on HBO I think.
