October 17, 2006

51 things Rick Santorum DOESN"T want you to know

The Bob Casey Campaign provides you with a handy list. I've reproduced it here:

1. Rick was the only member of the entire U.S. Congress to go to Florida and intrude at Terri Schiavo’s deathbed. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3/30/05)

2. Rick voted against a minimum wage increase 13 times. (Vote 344, 7/31/95; Vote 519, 10/27/95; Vote 54, 3/27/96; Vote 183, 7/9/96; Vote 184, 7/9/96; Vote 278, 9/22/98; Vote 77, 3/25/99; Vote 94, 4/28/99; Vote 239, 7/30/99; Vote 356, 11/9/99; Vote 76, 4/7/00; Vote 26, 3/7/05; Vote 179, 6/21/06)

3. Rick has voted with President Bush 98% of the time. (Congressional Quarterly, Pres. Vote Support Analysis)

4. "Making people struggle a little bit is not necessarily the worst thing" was Rick’s defense of his careless vote against increased child care funding. (Congressional Quarterly, 9/12/03)

5. Rick wants to allow states to outlaw all forms of birth control, even for married couples. (Newsweek, 12/27/04)

6. Rick on birth control: "I'm not a believer in birth control…I don't think it works. I think it's harmful to women." (Newsweek, 12/27/04; CN8, 7/28/05)

7. Santorum has repeatedly voted against increasing funding for Pell Grants that provide needed financial aid to lower-income students. (Vote 220, 5/25/95; Vote 68, 3/17/05; Vote 51, 3/11/04; Vote 331, 9/9/03; Vote 339, 9/10/03)

8. "Yes, I am something of a salesman for homeschooling and cyber-schooling" is Rick's description of his public education plan. (It Takes a Family; Patriot News, 7/31/05)

9. Pennsylvanians have paid $55,000 in local tax money to cyber-school Rick's children at their estate in Virginia. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 11/14/04)

10. Rick's thoughts on college education for women: "The notion that college education is a cost-effective way to help poor, low-skill, unmarried mothers with high school diplomas or GEDs move up the economic ladder is just wrong." (It Takes A Family, p.138)

11. Rick's disrespect for two-paycheck families: "In far too many families with young children, both parents are working, when, if they really take an honest look at the budget, they might confess that both of them really don't need to." (It Takes a Family, p.94)

12. Rick has repeatedly voted against the Family and Medical Leave Act, which allows Americans to take time off from their jobs and take care of their sick children or other family members. (Vote 393, 11/13/91; Vote 22, 2/3/93; Vote 443, 9/30/92)

13. Rick opposes the right to privacy: "The right to privacy doesn't exist, in my opinion, in the U.S. Constitution." (Associated Press, 4/22/03)

14. Fly Rod & Reel magazine has named Rick one of their "dirty dozen" senators for his votes against clean water, and he has supported Bush's lowering of standards for arsenic in water. (CNN, 4/25/01)

15. "Yes, there will be species that go extinct, but other species will come along and take their place" was Rick's response to his vote to end all enforcement of the Endangered Species Act. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 5/1/95; Vote 106, 3/16/95)

16. Rick founded a small "charity" organization, which is subsidizing his campaign staff and campaign activity with tax-exempt dollars. (Philadelphia Daily News, 2/21/06)

17. His reelection campaign is staffed in large part by his taxpayer-funded Senate and conference office employees. (Roll Call, 7/25/06)

18. Rick has accepted 15 corporate flights, allowing companies like Wal-Mart to funnel support to him since they can't legally make cash donations. (Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/3/06; Santorum FEC Reports, 04-06)

19. Since Rick has been in leadership, our national debt has ballooned to $8 trillion. (US Department of the Treasury, 7/14/06)

20. Big oil companies, due to Rick's support, will receive billions in tax breaks over the next five years, while the price of gas has doubled since he entered the Senate. Remember that when you fill up your tank. (Vote 213, 7/29/05; Vote 332, 11/17/05)

21. Santorum also raised more drug company money than any member of Congress - $298,327 this cycle alone. It's enough to give you a headache. (Campaign Finance Reports)

22. Rick voted against an amendment to negotiate better prescription drug prices under Medicare. (Vote 60, 3/17/05)

23. Rick has been dubbed the "King of the K Street Project" due to his intimate connections with special interest lobbyists. (Washington Post, 8/2/02)

24. Rick has pocketed more lobbyist, special-interest money than any other politician in the country. (Center for Responsive Politics)

25. Another piece of Rick's shady financial history: this year, he bought two apartments at $1 a piece and then sold one a few months later for over $100,000. (Centre County Property Records; The Times-Tribune, 6/15/06)

26. Rick helped pass CAFTA, a bill that will ship hundreds of thousands of American jobs overseas. Since 2001, Pennsylvania has lost 181,000 manufacturing jobs. (Vote 170, 6/30/05)

27. Santorum talks tough on immigration but has opposed tougher penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants. (Vote #96, 4/30/96; Vote #40, 5/23/06)

28. Rick Santorum has voted against increased funding for first responders, port security, and other vital measures. The 9/11 Commission gave Bush and Congress five Fs and 12 Ds for their slow progress. (S Con Res 95, 3/11/04; HR 3338, 12/6/01; HR 4567, 9/9/04; HJ Res 2, 1/16/03)

29. Rick voted seven times against hiring more border patrol agents. (Vote #3, 1/16/03; Vote #119, 4/3/03; Vote #291, 7/22/03; Vote #169, 9/9/04; Vote #182, 9/14/04; Vote #64, 3/17/05; Vote #95, 4/26/06)

30. Rick doesn't think seniors should be allowed to buy cheaper medicine from Canada. He even voted to have border patrol agents confiscate prescription medicine bought in Canada for individual use. (The Hill, 7/12/06)

31. Rick has voted 14 times to cut Medicare. (Vote 69, 4/17/91; Vote 39, 3/4/92; Vote 609, 11/22/93; Vote 232, 5/25/95; Vote 296, 6/29/95; Vote 556, 10/28/95; Vote 156, 5/23/96; Vote 159, 6/13/96; Vote 92, 5/23/97; Vote 96, 6/5/97; Vote 130, 6/25/97; Vote 209, 7/31/97; Vote 303, 11/3/05; Vote 10, 2/2/06)

32. In 1990, Rick won his first election by attacking his opponent for living in Virginia. Today, Rick and his family live in a home valued at almost $1,000,000 in Leesburg, Virginia, even while he insists a two-bedroom home in Penn Hills, Pennsylvania, is his primary residence. (American Prospect, 3/1/06)

33. Santorum has opposed billions in federal funding for Veterans Affairs and has voted down mandatory funding for veterans' health care. (Vote #90, 4/12/05; Vote #89, 4/12/05; Vote #145, 6/23/04)

34. Despite talking big on health care, 714,000 Pennsylvanians have lost their health insurance since Rick became a Senate leader. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

35. Arguing about his $37,000 pay raise, Santorum said, "if the people of Pennsylvania saw my record on the pay raise, they would stand up and applaud, not complain that I voted for three pay increases...." (Pennsylvania Press Club, 8/28/06)

36, 37, 38. Three times Rick has voted to raise his own pay, after he said in 1990, "Whatever the salary is when I walk into office…that's what I'll take…I won't take one additional penny…." (Vote 360, 12/7/01; Vote 242, 11/13/02; Vote 406, 10/23/03; AP, 11/7/90)

39. Rick Santorum led efforts last spring to eliminate overtime pay protections. (Vote 27, 3/7/05)

40. Rick talks tough on lawsuit reform and supports a $250,000 cap on malpractice suits, yet he testified on behalf of his wife when she sued her chiropractor for $500,000. (AP, 12/15/99; ABC Primetime Live, 11/11/05)

41. After Hurricane Katrina, Rick called for penalties on many of the suffering victims who could not afford to evacuate. (WTAE-TV, 9/4/05)

42. Rick Santorum authored a bill to dismantle the National Weather Service. (Palm Beach Post, 4/21/05)

43. Rick is considered the #1 proponent of Bush's Social Security privatization scheme. "It's a very small amount of money skimmed off the top" was how Rick explained the plan to privatize your Social Security tax money. (National Journal Congress Daily, 2/22/05; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2/20/05)

44. Rick's plan for Social Security would also raise the retirement age to at least 70, and he even said, "I'd go even farther if I could." (La Salle University, 10/18/94)

45. Rick has raised over $1,000,000 in donations from oil, gas, chemical, and mining industries. In fact, Rick has raised more money from gas companies than anyone in Washington other than Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. (Center for Responsive Politics; www.opensecrets.org/industries )

46. Rick appears to subsidize his lifestyle with campaign contributions. He pays for fancy hardware, ice cream, and groceries, plus has 66 charges to a Starbucks four miles from his Virginia estate. (Philadelphia Daily News, 2/21/06)

47. Rick on our local schools: "It's amazing that so many kids turn out to be fairly normal, considering the weird socialization they get in public schools." He has gone on to consistently oppose funding important initiatives like reducing class size. (It Takes a Family, p.386; Vote #148, 6/27/00; Vote #103, 5/15/01; Vote #379, 10/14/03)

48. Rick Santorum once told a group of young people to "not be afraid to be intolerant." (The Culture of Life World Youth Day, 7/22/02)

49. Rick was once an advocate for teaching "intelligent design" theory as an alternative to teaching evolution in schools. He has flip-flopped on the issue for this election. Maybe his position "evolved." (Scranton Times-Tribune, 12/23/05)

50. Rick Santorum is still fixated on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He ran to the media over chemicals no more toxic than "household pesticides" while the military, CIA, and White House acknowledged they were no longer useable. (Washington Post, 6/22/06; CNN, 6/29/2006)

51. Despite the world making North Korea a top priority, Rick discounted the threat and said Kim Jong Il "doesn't want to die. He wants to watch NBA basketball." Are you serious? This is how Rick makes threat assessments? (The Patriot-News, 7/11/06)


  1. There are a LOT of untruths in this "list" created by the Casey campaign,(which has received $2.1 million in support from lawyers and law firms, four TIMES the amount given by any OTHER group - talk about SPECIAL INTERESTS) but this one jumps out:

    40. Rick talks tough on lawsuit reform and supports a $250,000 cap on malpractice suits, yet he testified on behalf of his wife when she sued her chiropractor for $500,000. (AP, 12/15/99; ABC Primetime Live, 11/11/05)

    It seems odd to me that the party which purports to support ALL Americans' access to our civil justice system takes issue with the right of the wife of a Senator they don't like to exercise HER constitutional right to legal redress for injury.

    Are we to believe that citizens who are married to Republicans shouldn't have the same legal rights are the rest of you?

    That's almost as ridiculous as suggesting that I shouldn't have been allowed to have the mastectomy that saved my life because I'm married to a surgeon.

    And for the record, if we're quibbling about NUMBERS, the court documents show that Mrs. Santorum sought $500,000 in TOTAL damages, not for non-economic damages, which is the only type of damages that Santorum and the medical community support limiting. ECONOMIC damages, the kinds of things you can actually put a price tag on, like lost wages, medical care, home care, special devices, counseling, child care, etc., would remain UNLIMTED under all plans supported by the Senator and the AMA.

    Oh.....and she only GOT $175,000.


  2. It is sad that "Rapture Rick's" supporters are so ashamed of their positions that they leave no link for us to go to so we can challenge them directly. Believe me, I do understand-If I was a Santorum supporter, I'd be ashamed too.

    The spin in the first response to this left me queasy. It amazes me, the lengths Chimpletons will go to to rationalize their loony positions.

  3. Re: the lawsuit.

    Can you say "hypocrisy"?

    I knew you could.

    Oh, sorry, I forgot, IT'S OK WHEN A REPUBLICAN DOES IT

  4. If Little Ricky doesn't beleive a right to privacy exists, then why does he get all hissy about people looking in the windows of the house in Penn Hills he doesn't live in?

  5. I find it interesting that the latest scandal involving Harry Reid is not even mentioned by you guys...you know, the scandal where Harry Reid collects 1.1 million from sale of land he never even owned. Or how about Harry Reid using campaign donations for the use of bonuses for the Ritz-Carlton (where he lives) staff, instead of using his personal money; which by the way, Federal election law bars candidates from using campaign donations for personal use.

    Just wondering where you all stand on Harry Reid because I have yet to hear you calling for his resignation. Just wondering where your cries of corruption are, just wondering why you haven't declared "scandal!"

    Oh wait, when you're a Democrat, it's *just* different.

  6. 1:07am??
    Trouble sleeping Braden? Maybe you should take an honest look at where you are in life and ask Jesus to forgive you for your hateful ways.
    I have faith that even you could become a real American and join us.

    I'll be praying for you.

    Anon #2
