October 19, 2006

Altmire/Hart on Talkingpointsmemo's radar

Take a look.
Did the NRCC tip their hand? The NRCC dropped $163,000 into the PA 4 race -- Hart (R) v. Altmire (D) -- after spending a little under $11,000 on a poll. It sounds like they didn't like what they heard from that poll.

Just a few days ago, the Altmire campaign released its own poll that had him trailing Hart by a mere four points -- Hart (48%), Altmire (44%). It sounds like the NRCC poll wasn't much better. Maybe not even as good.

Based on this CQ has bumped the race from Republican Favored to Leans Republican. So Hart is still favored. But it's a real race.

If I were Altmire's folks I'd certainly want to make the point that DeLay and Hastert put Hart on the Ethics Committee after they purged it of non-loyalists. They knew she would be a rubber stamp vote for DeLay and other House GOPers who got into trouble. That's telling.
Uh, I wrote about this a full 8 days ago! Nice to see I'm more than a week ahead of Josh Micah Marshall!


  1. Thanks very much for reporting on this and the CQ article. Great stuff. This race is really garnering national attention.

  2. The DCCC just droped 5mil into four Southeastern Pa races. I was hoping to see some love for Altmire from them.

  3. Up north, we here call that attitude "Bob Robbins", as in, the state Senator fr. the 50th District (all of Crawford & Mercer. Cos., the NE 1/3 of Lawrence and Worth and Lancaster Twps. in Butler).
