October 6, 2006

Foley-Hastert IMs revealed!

You can read them HERE.


  1. And the legitimacy of those apparent text created IMs can be verified how? Where's the cryptography keys?

    Those are transcripts? Anyone can create a freakin' transcript. DailyKOS is a left wing site, totally biased by the way if one already didn't know. So that said, how can these "transcripts" be valid since there is no proof of legitimacy whatsoever? This is nothing more than the liberals attempting to beat a dead horse more.

    Dang if this does not sound fishy:

    "My source inside the White House sent me verbatim transcripts that the NSA surveillance program picked up of IMs between (now former) Congressman Mark Foley and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert."

    You are so transparent. You just revealed your favor fo the NSA Wiretaps, did you not? I thought you and your friends at the DailyKOS said the NSA wiretappings were illegal and bad? What happened to all of your hoo-haw about that?????

    BUT ... You do not have a problem exploiting the NSA wiretappings in order to provide you with the "evidence" you need in order to bring the hammer down on the Republicans. But let's not use the NSA wiretaps to listen in on the terrorists. No! No! We'll only exploit them in order to listen in on the Republicans, something the Democrats should be quite adept at doing considering the covered up, but so what a blunder involving Alice and John Martin's use of a police scanner. You do remember that, don't you Maria? Of course you do. *laugh*

    I guess the folks at DailyKOS do know how to use Microsoft Word. Surprise!

  2. Ladies and Gentlemen;

    Looks like the troll has returned.

    There's an adage (though I paraphrase) - It's better to keep your mouth shut and have people suspect you have no sense of humor than it is to open it up and prove it to them.

    This comment, sadly, proves our troll has absolutely no sense of humor.

    Poor guy.

  3. Wait, are you sure it's TrollBraden?

    It has to be a parody of a wingnut response because no one could be that stupid!

    As satire goes, it's pretty damn funny.

  4. Maria;

    You may be right. I never thought that it might not be our troll. But the signs were all there (rampant illogic, ad hominem attacks, barely veiled political paranoia) so I think even if it was an error, it's an understandable one.

  5. Hypocrite update:

    Braden said he was through blogging about his version of politics and took down his democrats-lie site.........but he's back at it again on his geek site:
    Check out his rant from last week.

    I knew he couldn't keep his hate speech inside for very long. Wait until everyone at CMU and the neighbors in Houston PA realise that he's a giant lying fake!

    Anon #2
