October 16, 2006

Is Missy Hart Push-Polling?

I normally don't spend much time worrying about what's in the comments sections of this blog - not a big deal, just a personal choice. But get a gander and the comment in this posting.

Whigsboy, bless his bloggersoul, wrote this:
Speaking of Hart, if what I report here is true, and I'll try to confirm, Missy is truly in HUGE trouble...

Now what did he write at the dailykos? After a few words about an Altmire fundraiser this past Friday, Whigsboy wrote:
Then, on Sunday, as the Steelers were making the Chiefs look more like junior squaws, I got a call from a polling outfit. It was obvious early in the call that it was focused on the Hart/Altmire race.

For most of the call, I thought it was an independent poll. But, suddenly, in the midst of a series of questions about factors that might influence how I plan to vote, things CHANGED dramatically.

"Partisan control of Congress is at stake in this election," the pollster asserted. "If Democrats win control of the House, Nancy Pelosi, a liberal Democrat from San Francisco, will become the Speaker of the House and Democrats are going to raise taxes, cut and run from Iraq, and grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. Will that make you more or less likely to vote for Jason Altmire or Melissa Hart?"
If this is true, then ladies and gentlemen Missy Hart (or someone sympathetic with her politics) is push polling in the area.

I had a thought: Missy's insisting that she's double-digits ahead of Jason Altmire. If she is indeed that far ahead, then why the push polling?


1 comment:

  1. Glad to provide useful information. The diary I linked to in my Daily Kos post also indicated Hart had agreed to a debate, but didn't say anything more about it. Nothing on Altmire's site about it yet.
