October 23, 2006

Melissa Hart's Troubles Continue

She gets spanked again in Dickiecougarmellonscaife's Tribune-Review. In this Sunday's Sunday Pops column we find this:
U.S. Rep. Melissa Hart, R-Bradford Woods, is out with an ad admonishing Democrat upstart Jason Altmire for running negative ads in their neck-and-neck 4th Congressional District battle. But at the same time, the National Republican Congressional Committee is airing what, by Ms. Hart's standards, is a negative ad against Mr. Altmire. Translation: Hart is fading down the stretch.
A few things to point out from the Pittsburgh's conservative newspaper.
  • They say the race is "neck-and-neck."
  • They conclude that her campaign is "fading down the stretch."
As I've written before (well, yesterday) in politics perception is everything. If that's indeed the case, here's another example from the city's conservative press to show that Missy Hart is in deep doo-doo.

, are neck and neck and Missy's fading down the stretch. Thus spake the Tribune-Review.


  1. For those of you who are interested, tomorrow Jason Altmire is going to appear live on TalkShoe's "Politically
    Savvy Friends with Jon Delano" at 9:00 am (Tuesday morning, October 24). I've never listened to one of these, but once the show is going, you can call in with questions, comments, etc. You apparently can submit them via the Web as well by
    downloading the TalkShoe software.

    You can get more info here:


  2. National Journal (Chuck Todd) just updated PA-04 ranking from 45 to 37. Altmire just hit the emerging races a few weeks ago and now he's moved up 8 places on the National Journal's list of all House races.

    Very impressive! I can feel the energy here in the North Hills for Jason.

  3. It s time we start to look at what Missy Hart has done for us, or hasn't done as the case may be. Do we need someone who does what she is told, by the likes or Tom Delay and the gang. Or someone who is raising a family, and knows what it is like to be a parent today. It is easy to send some kid into battle, when you have no kids to think of. And how you would feel if it was your kid fighting a war based on lies.
