October 20, 2006

No habla "democracy"

This letter was sent out to approximately 14,000 Latino Democratic voters in Orange County, CA:

In case you can't read Spanish, Think Progress has a full translation available here. The relevant part is as follows:

Be advised that if your residence in the United States is illegal or if you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that can result in incarceration, and possible deportation for voting without the right to do so

. …Not like in Mexico, here there is no benefit to voting. In the United States there is no registration card to vote. Therefore, it is useless and dangerous to vote in any election if you are not a citizen of the United States.

Do not pay attention to a politician who may try to tell you otherwise. They only care about their own interests.
Immigrants who are naturalized U.S. citizens can, of course, legally vote so the letter is extremely deceptive.

It's been verified that the letter came from the campaign of Tan D. Nguyen, a Republican challenger to Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA).

It is illegal to try to intimidate voters according to Voting Rights Act.

Ironically, Nguyen is himself an immigrant to this country from Vietnam.

No at all ironic is the fact that Nguyen is a Republican.


  1. What would be MOE ironic is if they prosecuted him for it.

  2. Facinating. I don't see anything in there threatening. Fact is, it's a letter stating that if you're not in the country legally, then you cannot vote. If anything, he's reminding illegal immigrants of the law, something you supposedly adhere to.

    I also find it "ironic" that you bring up that Nguyen is an immigrant from Vietnam...but you forget to mention "legal immigrant from Vietnam," which is something you don't know the difference of (ex: being illegal and legal). So, like you, I shall rant, rave, and complain shouting out that your statement is deceptive. How do you like it?

    I wonder if you're just ticked because this will make the Democratic Party's attempt at voter fraud a bit more difficult to perform.

    See, I have observed that if you want to see what the Democrats are up to, just watch them make accusations that the other side is doing it. So far, it's worked every single time.

  3. The letter says "if you are illegal or if you are an immigrant" which makes it sound as though any immigrant should not vote. Unless you believe the translation is inaccurate, you're talking out of your hat.

  4. 8:18am?? Are the IT bosses at CMU incompetent or Republican?
    Hey all you parents and students fire up those complaints - Braden is stealing YOUR money.

  5. Who do you think you are, Anonymous? Are you attempting to censor me? I go against your political views and beliefs and you attempt to shut me up by again, making indirect threats? Make my day, Anonymous.

    This is *EXACTLY* the kind of stuff I have talked about in the past. Go against a liberal Democrat's political views, and they'll attempt to censor you in any way, shape, or form. Anonymous just set the obvious example.

    I guess since it is Friday and most people are working, I should not read and post on other blogs, even if I am off work because of the "appearance" of me horsing around on work time. Gee, I wonder if Anonymous is posting on work time over at UPMC.

    Closing: Anonymous, I don't have to answer to you. This is not Communist China. You have no right to censor me. You're just another liberal who feels threatened by her political opponent(s) and will stop at nothing to shut them up. In fact, I would not be a bit surprised if you're a fan of the Fairness Doctrine, another liberal attempt at censorship.

    Free Speech? First Amendment rights? Sure, no problem! But only if you're a liberal Democrat; otherwise all bets are off. How can I say that? Because Anonymous just proved it.

    And there you have it.

  6. Braden admitted that he's not truthful:

    Friday 10/20/06 10:59am

    On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?

    Hah! That depends on the mood I am. Let me just put it this way, I am like "O" sometimes.

  7. Has anyone read the FULL text of the letter? The Spanish original and a passable full translation are available at
    (following the cover letter to AG Al).

    The first paragraph clearly states that if the recipient is a citizen, they should vote.

    It then goes on to explain that illegals and "emigrants" (from Mexico) are not entitled to vote.

    IMPORTANT: unlike natural-born Americans, naturalized immigrants (like Nellie and Benny Diaz) must have taken and passed a citizenship exam when they naturalized. If they are STILL not sure whether they are allowed to vote, they should seek medical help.

  8. Yes, I have read the entire letter and the entire letter is available at the link in my post.

    While it says that citizens may vote, it also says "if you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that can result in incarceration, and possible deportation" and that is BULLSHIT that is purposely written to deceive.

    The letter was sent to thousands of LEGAL VOTERS with SPANISH SURNAMES and was designed solely to suppress the Hispanic vote.

    It's just the same as the flyers that Rethuglicans litter African American neighborhoods with at election time telling them they will be arrested if they try to vote and have an unpaid traffic ticket.

    Rethuglicans don't want minorities to vote unless their name is Lynn Swann or Condi Rice.

    But keep defending it you son / daughter of Liberty.

    God, you make me sick.

  9. Uhmmm..Anonymous...you're the liar:

    Braden admitted that he's not truthful, as you attempted to quote me:

    Friday 10/20/06 10:59am

    On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?

    Hah! That depends on the mood I am. Let me just put it this way, I am like "O" sometimes."

    The "O" is actually a "Q" if you knew how to either read or copy and paste. Nice try at the zero attempt. And you call me a liar. My god you're such a hypocrite. And to top it off, you suck at being a liar, too. You cannot even do that right.

    Please, try again.
