October 31, 2006

Rick Santorum as seen from the Other Side of PA

John Baer:
RICK SANTORUM says there's a gathering storm.

I think he's right.

I'm just not sure it's the storm he's talking about.

The storm he's talking about is the destruction of civilization, which he boldly forecasts unless we all wake up and give him a third Senate term.

"I don't want to win this race for me, but for the country," he tells fellow Republicans in Lebanon County, adding that a Democratic victory is "a disaster for the future of the world."

Hmm. Really?

Could this be a bit of exaggeration? A tad self-serving? Just a little desperate?
Wait, lemme think. Yea.
Well, it goes with his "Gathering Storm" speech, a resurrected scare-em-straight (as in straight Republican) stem-winder just in time for Halloween that essentially says vote for me or die.
Some analysis:
Santorum is fierce. I long thought he'd find a way to win this race. But not anymore. I just don't see this stuff working.

"At the moment it doesn't seem to be," says Keystone Poll boss Terry Madonna, who has Casey leading. "It looks like his last gasp."
Looks like that to me, too. Here's how Baer ends:
I have no doubt he believes what he says. Just as he believes homosexuality's akin to bestiality, Boston's liberalism caused pedophilia in the Catholic Church, Terry Schiavo was "executed," public education is "weird socialization," mothers of means shouldn't work outside the home, and the mainstream media lie about him.

There's a gathering storm all right. It's the one he brought upon himself.
- vote for him or die.


  1. Democrats. Vote for them and watch your paycheck dwindle down to nothingness as they raise your taxes through the roof, all in order to subsidize the programs they wish to shove in our faces. Programs like gas cards for those on food stamps. Programs like a right to a home, programs which create an eduction corporation that gives our money overseas for other countries education (when we cannot even fix our own school system here, hence why he need freedom of choice, competition, and best of all...vouchers). The End of the War in Iraq act (something I don't see you two talking of, yet you accuse Bush and Santorum of "cut and run" of), the living wage act which does nothing more than raise minimum wage every 4 years. By the way, do you realize that by raising the minimum wage, you're going to cause people to lose jobs because some companies cannot afford it? Hey, why not raise it to 100 dollars an hour and we'll all be swimming in cash?

    And then we have socialized health care...the biggie. And how do you expect this country to pay for the aforementioned without raising our taxes?

    Democrats. The party who wants to involve government even more into our everyday lives. The party of turning these United States of America into the Socialist States of America. The party of cut and run in Iraq. The party of raising our taxes. The party of wanting our economy to crash and burn.

    So go on, vote Democrat. And bring your checkbook with you. You'll need it.

  2. Hey! We missed you. I'm guessing you've been a bit depressed, either because your masters have been running so far behind in the polls or because your mom took away your internet priviges after she got the phone bill with all those 900 calls.

    It's good to have you back, off-topic, off-center, and illogical as usual!

  3. Please do not feed the troll.

  4. "Hey! We missed you. I'm guessing you've been a bit depressed, either because your masters have been running so far behind in the polls or because your mom took away your internet priviges after she got the phone bill with all those 900 calls.

    It's good to have you back, off-topic, off-center, and illogical as usual!"

    John cannot answer the question(s) presented to him, so he resorts to the obscene comments instead, all in typical fashion.

    Hey John, get that checkbook handy, pal...the Democrats will take even more money from you.

    C'mon John, answer the questions, or can't you answer them? Again, how can the Democrats implement all of the programs they want on the American People without raising our taxes through the roof?

    Oh wait, you're too busy making up things in your head, saying things about me in a lame attempt at proving your supposed intelligence.

  5. Please do not feed the troll.

  6. But Anonymous, it's so much fun to egg him on. Look at that rant above, so non-sensical, so faithful to the right-wing talking points -- especially the ones that have been disproved.

    And the way he loses it when you go after him personally is really funny. I'm not sure what he found "obscene" in my post -- but then, I guess we should be surprised that a slightly slow adolescent can even spell the word. Maybe he learned to copy-and-paste and pulled it out of one of his porno sites.

    Maybe when he grows up and has to find a job ("You want fries with that?") he'll discover the blessings of the minimum wage. Of course, by then, we'll probably have a draft and he'll learn the joys of military life. They're already lowering their standards.

    Anyhow, don't ask me to stop baiting the troll -- if you learn to take the dreck qua dreck and not try to argue with him, it's almost as much fun as watching Rapepublicans lose!
