October 29, 2006

Rick Santorum Says: BUSH SOFT ON TERROR

I got this from Santorum's favorite statewide reporter, Brett Lieberman. It's from today's Fox News Sunday:
CHRIS WALLACE: Senator, if I may, let's talk about the reality of this situation with regard to the vote on illegal immigration. All [Bob Casey] said was that he would have voted for the comprehensive immigration reform package that was passed by the Senate, a package, incidentally, that was supported by 23 of your Republican Senate colleagues, as well as President Bush. Does that make all of them soft on terror?

SANTORUM: Well, I think in that particular respect, yes. I think anything that says to the people of the world, if they can come into this country and break the law and cross our borders and we're going to give them amnesty, number one, you encourage more people to come and I think that does allow the opportunity for, if we do not secure our borders first, which is what now we're trying to do, after people rejected the Senate bill.
If there was a better example to show how much of a loon Rick Santorum really is, I can't think of it right now.

Though never say never. Rick is the gift that keeps on giving.

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