October 11, 2006

Who's to blame?

Who's to blame for North Korea's nuclear weapons test?

According to Sen. John McCain (and hordes of other Rethuglicans) it's President Clinton's fault that North Korea may or may not have tested a nuclear weapon six years after Clinton left office:

"I would remind Senator (Hillary) Clinton and other Democrats critical of the Bush administration's policies that the framework agreement her husband's administration negotiated was a failure," McCain said at a news conference after a campaign appearance for Republican Senate candidate Mike Bouchard. (Video here)
And, how is this playing with the masses?

From an admittedly unscientific AOL Poll:
Do you agree with McCain's criticism of the former president?
No 52%
Yes 48%
Total Votes: 107,909

What's motivating McCain to speak out?
Posturing for the 2008 White House race 43%
Combination of both 38%

Concern over the situation with North Korea 19%
Total Votes: 106,934
And, why is the spin not working?

Because as Josh Marshall points out, it doesn't pass the smell test:
"Failure" =1994-2002 -- Era of Clinton 'Agreed Framework': No plutonium production. All existing plutonium under international inspection. No bomb.

"Success" = 2002-2006 -- Bush Policy Era: Active plutonium production. No international inspections of plutonium stocks. Nuclear warhead detonated.

Face it. They ditched an imperfect but working policy. They replaced it with nothing. Now North Korea is a nuclear state.

Facts hurt. So do nukes.


  1. blaming clinton for everything is wearing thin, even to a lot of republicans.

  2. I believe it's all Rumsfeld's fault. I believe he is behind most of the administration's idiotic policies. The Guardian had an interesting article on the subject.

  3. Its a shame that so much is hidden .
    On September 23rd of this year , this jagoff administration cut North Korea's access to the world banking community . Now we see them exploding bombs . I would say that we are in trouble if we do not gain in the next election . George bush will end up killing everyone on this planet and
    the stinking republicans do not care .

  4. Maria, you're way off. Reed the facts associated with the Agreed Framework signed in 1994 with Jimmy Carter at the helm. Part of the Signed Framework include U.S. aid such as oil, food, and a nuclear reactor. A nuclear reactor?!??!? Say what? Huh? See where this is going? The Agreed Framework just gave North Korea the capability to produce 100 nuclear bombs. Might I also remind you that 4 years later after the Agreed Framework signing in 1994, North Korea lobbed a missile over Japan. Excuse me for a second, but that was under Clinton's watch and he did not do anything. So, all that said, Bill Clinton and Madelein Albright along with Jimmy Carter completely fell for North Korea's "promise." The Framework was already broken 4 years later; I emphasize that Clinton did not respond accordingly.

    The very next paragraph is where I think you'll agree with me somewhat (of course, I could be wrong):

    I am not saying Bush is handling this right, because he is not. If anything, he needs to call the bluff of that little evil son of a gun running North Korea and make him squirm for a while. I don't relish the fact that Bush is sitting there with his hands in his pockets while North Korea is on the verge of starting a war. The world community (hello? U.N.) needs to act...now. If memory serves, the U.N. says that drastic consequences would result if North Korea proceeded with their underground nuclear detonation. Well, what are these consequences because I haven't heard or seen anything yet.

    By the way, I find it pathetically amusing that Jimmy Carter won a Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishing absolutely nothing more than empowering North Korea to obtain Nuclear weapons.

    Ending, anonymous' comments are filled with illogic and sheer hate; I mean, just look at it. It's pathetic that he/she accuses me of such violent hate and running a "star trek" hate site (even though everyone I've ever told cannot find the relevance whatsoever of her aforementioned description of it) when she/he spews it out harder and faster than poop through a goose. If that is not hypocrisy than I don't know what is. Judging from what he/she just said, it sounds we should just let North Korea do what they want, all the while they continue with their missile tests with Iran Scientists standing by taking their notes. Oh well, we'll just be nice to them and they'll leave us and the rest of the world community alone, right? That is, right after they lob another missile over Japan.

  5. Braden needs to READ the facts himself.


    Here's what it actually said:

    I Both sides will cooperate to replace the DPRK's graphite-moderated reactors and related facilities with light-water reactor (LWR) power plants.

    The "graphite-moderated reactors" were the ones that could produce the fuel necessary to make nuclear weapons. The LWR reactors, well, don't.

    So where did he get his data about the "100 nuclear bombs"?

    Oh, that's right. This is Braden we're talking about. When the facts don't go his way, he just makes them up.

  6. Yeah, I made it up..really I did...not.

    Speaking of reading the facts:

    North Korea already violated the Agreed Framework after they lobbed a missile over Japan in 1998, a mere four years later after the signing.

    You're simply way off-base here.
    From the American Federation of Scientists, and I quote:

    "Prior to the establishment of the Agreed Framework, intelligence sources believed that North Korea could have extracted plutonium from their reactors for use in nuclear weapons; perhaps enough for one or two nuclear weapons."

    There you have it, anonymous.

    When you don't agree with the truth of reality you simply make it up in your head that reality is a lie. Hey, that's your choice, you're the one that has to live with yourself, not me.
