November 3, 2006

Big List of GOTV Events

PA VICTORY '06 (PA Democratic Party - Rendell/Casey/etc.)
Pre-Election Day Door Knocking!!!!
November 4 th, 5th (5 Meeting Sites)

- Pittsburgh: Gov. Rendell HQ, 225 Ross St., Downtown Pittsburgh, .9:30 am Saturday, 12:30 Sunday. Contact Person: Erica Dollhopf (412) 201-9024

- Greentree: Bob Casey HQ, 3 Parkway Center, Ste. 325, 12:30 pm Saturday and Sunday. Contact person: Josh Yearsley (412) 444-0171

- Shaler: Shawn Flaherty's office, 1001 Mt. Royal Blvd. Pittsburgh, Pa 15223 (in Shaler Township), 10:00 am (only Saturday, November 4th). Contact person: Andrew Adams (412) 287-7026

- Natrona Heights: Citizen Fire Hose Company, 965 Burtner Rd,. Saturday meet at 9:00 am, Sunday meet at 12:00 pm. Contact person: Jim Depoe 412-956-6446.

- Plum: One Boyce Park Center parking lot, at intersection of Saltsburg Rd and Boyce Park Drive, Saturday meet at 10:30 am, Sunday meet at 12:30 pm. Contact person: Bennett Reed 412-720-4136.

Canvassing & Phonebanking
Contact: 412.661.0847

Allegheny County: Greentree, Harmar, North Hills, Pittsburgh



Saturday, Nov. 4 though Nov. 7: Election Day!

Today through Nov. 7: Election Day!:

Contact Rachel at 412-802-6161 or

MOVEON.ORG Call for Change
Now through Election Day!

MoveOn is making it possible for you to help and never leave your home.

Phone volunteers are the backbone of Call for Change. As a phone volunteer, you'll start right away phoning progressive voters in targeted congressional districts. They'll tell you who to call and what to say. Your calling can be from home (whenever it fits your schedule) and at neighborhood calling parties. You commit to calling:

- One hour a week between now and November (talking to ~10 voters/wk.)
- One hour a day for the last four days before the election, and
- Two hours on Election Day, November 7th.
Sign up at:


Interested in a particular race/candidate? Contact them directly and they will certainly put you to work!


  1. "They'll tell you who to call and what to say."

    Like I have said before, I'd love to see what is contained on their "script."

    "What to say?" Let me guess, whether or not it's true or not, right?

    Like, why would want anyone to volunteer and make calls if they are misinformed? Hmmmm, sounds as if that's what wants, so they can fill their new and misinformed volunteers with whatever nontruths they wish., the George Soros funded leftwing moonbat kook organization. Where the truth matters not...true or not.

  2. BrayDumb, one would think that someone who is such an enthusiastic supporter of the Rethuglicans had done some actual phonebanking in his time and knows what GOTV calls are about.

    You identify who they are voting for first, then you call back your voters later to remind them to vote.

    You can take off the tinfoil hate now.

  3. Maria, you're so full of horse dung and you know it. I know damn well what and such orginizations tell their "volunteers" to say; because I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE. There is a script and they will say things to their callers (true or not) in order to get the vote. Don't you dare insult my intelligence with your lies. Because that's what you are, a liar. Lie. Lie. Lie. Like it or not, you lie. Your political life is a lie. The only thing that is true is when you look in the mirror. That's the life you made for yourself. That's the path you have chosen to take. So be it.

    Just remember to bring along your checkbook when you vote for your Democrats. They'll raise our taxes so fast. And believe me, if they do get in office, that's one of the first things they'll do. Raise taxes. Right after they decide to defund the War in Iraq, to which you accused Bush of cutting and running from. You hypocrite.

    Don't you dare lie to me about what does when it comes to those "volunteer phone calls." I know better, and you should know better than to underestimate as to what I know.

  4. "Don't you dare insult my intelligence..."

    I can't insult what isn't there.

  5. There's more intelligence in my head than yours, which in this case, is all that counts.

    After all, you're against "cut and run" and yet you belong to a political party who wishes to de-fund the war in Iraq. You're not a John Kerry flip-flopper are you? Nah, you're a Democrat, it's *just* different.
