November 4, 2006

Donald Rumsfeld Must Go

So says a joint editorial to be published at the Army Times, the Navy Times, the Air Force Times and the Marine Corps Times.

The text can be found here (h/t to the dailykos). Here's the ending:
Rumsfeld has lost credibility with the uniformed leadership, with the troops, with Congress and with the public at large. His strategy has failed, and his ability to lead is compromised. And although the blame for our failures in Iraq rests with the secretary, it will be the troops who bear its brunt.

This is not about the midterm elections. Regardless of which party wins Nov. 7, the time has come, Mr. President, to face the hard bruising truth:

Donald Rumsfeld must go.
Hear hear.


  1. David, there you go again. Is it all you ever do is whine?

    No matter who it is, you don't like them. You hate Rumsfeld because you hate Bush, why don't you just say that? In fact, why don't you just say this:

    "I am pissed off over the 2000 election because George W Bush stole Democrat votes in Florida! From that time forward, there is nothing Bush could do right. I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! He and his minions must go...NOW! Impeach!"

    There, I did the work for you.

  2. Unbelievable.

    The posting is on how a simultaneous editorial from the Army Times, Navy Times, AirForce Times and Marine Corps Times calls for Rumsfeld to go, and yet you still turn it onto something about Dayvoe.

    Be honest Braden, you have a crush on him, don't you? And because you can't come to terms with your latent homosexuality, your only option is to lash out in irrational anger, isn't that right?

    That has to be it. Nothing else makes sense.

  3. Anonymous, why I am surprised! Even if I were homosexual, wouldn't that be ok with you? After all, aren't you the party of tolerance and diversity. Isn't your party supposed to be tolerant of diversity.

    Wow, such language. Such hate. And yet your sorry ass sits there and accuses me of hate. Look in the mirror.

    Oh by the way, for the record, I'm not what you hope I am. But like I said, something tells me that if I were, you would hold that against me, which makes me wonder how in the hell you can be a liberal. Liberals aren't gay. Shit, I was in Mayfield Heights, Ohio today and that area is chock-filled with liberals and gays, and none of them even came close to projecting the amount of hate that you do. In fact, none of them projected any hate whatsoever. Gee, Anonymous, what do you have to say for yourself other than you're nothing more than one of those liberals who loves African Americans, Gays, and Lesbians...that is, unless they move next door to you. You idiot. Really, how in the name of hell can you call your miserable existence life? I mean really, you're such a miserable S.O.B.

  4. "Oh by the way, for the record, I'm not what you hope I am."

    Dude! Is that from Star Wars or something?

  5. Braden, all I can do is quote some Shakespeare on you:

    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." (Hamlet III, ii, 239)

    and just leave it at that.

  6. Shawn: Nope, it's not from Star Wars, but nice try at whatever it was that you were trying to prove with that idiotic statement of yours.

    Anonymous: That's your response to my last comment thrown at you? That's the best you can come up with? Admit it, you know I am right, hence why you can only respond with a Shakespeare quote. I someone closes your book really hard while your nose is buried in it. Perhaps that'll wake your sorry soul up a little. Nah, I doubt it. Once dumb and stupid, always dumb and stupid.

    Funny, how you always happen to bring up "being gay" all of the time. You're always talking about "blow up wives" and weird crap like that. I think personally, that you're a very demented individual. Normal people do not talk the way you do by speaking about blow up wives and stuff like that. Hmmmmm.....a hidden message you're wishing to convey to us all perhaps?

    You might want to check to see if your health insurance pays for mental health counseling. If so, then I highly urge you to take advantage of it because you are one sicko.

  7. Braden really only comes here for the interaction that is so completely missing from his blog. Check it out - no one comments on anythings Brado posts. Why could that be?

    Sorry that no Rethugs want to talk to you on your blog. Are you so lonely that you troll here hoping to find a friend?

  8. he he he! Snarky comments are fun!

    All I gotta say is one little smart-pants thing, and *boom!*, someone snarls right back. Fun, fun, fun!

    he he he...

    on a side-note: I'm just realized I'm listening to "Army" by Ben Folds while writing this post. Weird synchronicity.

  9. Braden;

    I see you don't understand what the Shakespeare quote actually means.

    That's ok. Not everyone can be educated. Maybe you can hire a tutor or something.
