November 8, 2006

Girls Rule!


Not only do we now have for the first time a FEMALE Speaker of the US House of Representatives in Nancy Pelosi:

That's "Ms. Speaker" to you, Bub.

For the first time in years, we will have female representatives in the Pennsylvania State House from Western PA.

Congratulations to Lisa Bennington (District 21), Chelsa Wagner (District 22) and Deberah Kula (District 52).

And, congratulations to Gloria Forouzan and Run, Baby, Run for helping to make that happen!


  1. Yes. That is great! Good for them. Way to go RBR!

    Too bad about Frank D's win over Eileen Watt.

    We really need more infrastructure to help citizens become candidates. And, we need more opportunities for candidates to have interactions with community members at forums and debates.

    Now is the time to super-charge our intentions to hold those meetings in all types of settings in the winter and spring before the 2007 primary.

    We also lost a women, M. Hart, from the US Congress. But more to the point, M. H. and Jason A. never faced each other in a debate -- unless you talk about the fluke meeting on a 'dare' from KDKA Radio. (Good for KDKA.) But, too bad we didn't have them (and dozens of others) show up to talk issues in community meetings too.
