November 2, 2006

Lil Ricky Gets Happy!

What else makes Lil Ricky Santorum (R-VA) happy not happy? According to The New York Times:
By the end of the campaign, an extraordinarily long campaign, by Senate standards, the personal animus between the two men was striking.

In a recent debate in Philadelphia, Mr. Santorum told voters: “I had to earn this job. It’s not a job I inherited because of my last name.”

Moments later, when reporters pressed Mr. Casey about the possibility of more debates, he shot back: “We’ve spent enough time together, the two of us. Let’s go meet the voters. I’ll see him at the finish line.”
Casey should get your vote just for having to spend all that time with Crazy Rick.

(h/t to Frothy for the video who heard about it at P-G's Early Returns)

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