November 1, 2006

Mayor Opie Trick or Treats at Ms. Mon's House

While, I didn't have my camera ready last night to take snaps of the kiddies, Ol Froth and Ms. Monongahela did. Ms. Mon even managed to get a photo of our "new, young, hip" mayor in his Halloween finery when he came to her door looking for treats.

Aside from not being camera ready, I'm less than pleased that it was Ms. Mon and not me who thought of this rather obvious joke.


  1. Hopefully, Ms Mon had the permission of the child's parents to publish his picture on the "internets".

  2. Knowing Ms. Mon, I bet she just put into that series of tubes without any sort of waivers.

    I smell a lawsuit!

  3. Well, the plaintiff and the defendent would be one in the same, then. :-)

  4. "Defendant," I mean. Where's my copyreader when I need her?

  5. Someone had to give birth to him. The real revelation here is that ... he HAS A TWIN!!! (Stay tuned for more, "As Pittsburgh Turns." I can't wait to read the next installment from the Angry Drunk Bureaucrat!)

  6. First you're blaming you're misspellings on me, then you're plugging the writings of *other* people -- dipsomaniacs no less. Is there no appreciation for the only staff member of yours who shows up for work everyday, Ms. Mon?

  7. Vivian, please respect Maria and curtail the airing of your grievances to our blog, OK?

    Sorry, Maria. :-)
