December 4, 2006

It's Hard Work Being Trendy

We here at 2pj like to stay on top of the latest trends for our readers. One that you may have read about is the rise in staff infections.

Actually, the linked article talks about infections caused by hospitals, and while I can't swear to the genesis of mine, I do have a pretty nasty one that caused me to be hospitalized again for eleven days.

I'm now convalescing at home with the aid of a Wound VAC machine, two antibiotic pumps, and home care nursing.

Expect my blogging to be spotty at best for a while.

Major Shout Out to David for keeping the blog going!

Also, apologies to any of you who emailed me without response in the couple of weeks before I was hospitalized. I didn't realize how anemic I had become and was just too tired to read all my email and respond to it properly.


  1. MARIA!

    Let me be the first to say welcome back!


  2. And let me be the second!

  3. i'll be 2nd then. hi, take good care and rest up. we all miss you but dave is great! come back soon.

  4. gee we blogged at the same time. great minds...

  5. Well, one of us is a great mind. The other is just an old curmudgeon who is lucky to come in second!

  6. you made me laugh. thanks, i needed it this morning! ; )

  7. Sorry to hear that. They can be quite serious sometimes. One thing to check is whether the hospital is a part of the 100K Lives campaign, which fights MRSA and other nasty bacterial infections at hospitals.

  8. Better to have your blogging be spotty than you Maria. Get well soon because the blogosphere needs you.

  9. Hi Maria - a little help: 'staff' is actually "staph", short for stapholococcus.
    A nasty little bug, and happy to hear that you are getting well.

  10. sorry - staphylococcus!
